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RE: [mylar-dev] enhancements in Mylar team API

I marked that method deprecated 10 minutes ago because I don't think it
belongs there at all, in part for this reason.  Also, note that we decided
to get rid of that functionality in favor of encouraging users to use the
Synchronize view and not task list for initiating commits.  So nothing uses
it anymore.  If I rename the class I plan to remove it unless you indicate
that you need it for Subclipse.  I'm also about to ask the Subversive guys

158359: ensure team provider integration supports Subversive SVN client

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> On Behalf Of Eugene Kuleshov
> Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 12:28 PM
> To: Mylar developer discussions
> Subject: Re: [mylar-dev] enhancements in Mylar team API
> Mik Kersten wrote:
> > I might need to rename AbstractTeamRepositoryProvider to
> > AbstractActiveChangeSetProvider or something of that sort.
> >
>   Hmm. That repository provider also expose commit api which is
> orthogonal to change sets. So, renaming it is probably not appropriate.
>   regards,
>   Eugene
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