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Re: [mylar-dev] Working Set and its Context

I see this sort of thing a couple of times a day. Normally I try to visit and mark things as landmarks at the beginning of a session so that they'll be expanded for me automatically when the filter is applied.


Dave Orme

Ivica Aracic wrote:

Using Mylar recently I've made the observation that Mylar really speeds up my work by removing irrelevant elements from the view. However, I have also experienced situations where I was forced to disable Mylar views first, browse for the desired class in the unfiltered Package Explorer and then reactivate Mylar views again.

The concrete case was: I wanted to add a new AST-Node in a complex AST-Hierarchy. As I was not sure how the interface methods should be implemented, I wanted to check already existing implementations of similar AST-Nodes. Since I had no specific AST-Node in my mind I wanted to browse in the package for it. However, this forced me to deactivate Mylar's filter. But this had the consequence that not only the elements from the same package were shown but also all other elements in the project, which lead to the information flood again.

This lead me to the question: could the efficiency of the developer be improved if Mylar would offer more context information for the current working set the developer is working with? With context I mean in this case the surrounding of the working set which has been filtered away.

The simplest case would be to extend Mylar views with additional elements being representativ for the elements removed by Mylar, e.g.: "... 34 more classes"- or "... 10 more packages"-nodes, which can be expanded, maybe opening a kind of preview, allowing the developer to select desired elements and collapse the rest easiely. This would avoid disabling Mylar filter, browsing for the desired element, and reactivating the Mylar filter again.

The second question is: how often such forced fallbacks to unfiltered views occure?
Did anyone else experience similar situations?

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