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Re: [mylar-dev] dev build with JIRA integration

Mik Kersten wrote:
  Mik, there is some trouble with packaging of org.tigris.jira.core
  I've updated Mylar from dev site earlier today and now it don't let me
to update because org.tigris.jira.core feature already been updated. It
looks like bug in the update manager, but for time being, can you please
declare that feature in site.xml, so it will be possible to not select
it when updating.
I just replicated this, and believe that switching the update site that
these "archived features" come from is what causes the update manager to
fail.  We can't declare that feature in site.xml because it isn't on our
Is it only for political/administrative reasons? You could declare feature in site.xml and still point archives (including feature archive) to
so if the current approach can't be made to work reliably it will mean
having to manually download the jira core feature from  But I'll
do everything I can to keep the single install.  If anyone knows of a better
mechanism than "archived features" for making update sites depend on each
other please post.
There has been number of request to improve update manager to handle such cases (I can dig out some numbers if you like), but they all had been ignored. Generally Update manager is probably the worst Eclipse component.
  I also wonder why refreshing issues from Jira is so slow (it takes
nearly 5 minutes to get 29 issues from Codehaus repository). I haven't
look in the code yet, but it smell  like server is being queried
multiple times to get details for each issue...
I just replicated by connecting to, and it was insanely
slow to refresh as you indicate (more than a couple of minutes).  Took that
long each time I refreshed.  Queries with only take
a fraction of that time to refresh, so it probably has to do with checking
products as Brock indicated.  I'm considering this to be a major bug, either
on the Mylar or the JIRA dashboard side, and opened the following report to
By the way, in some cases i get no tasks back after such long running refresh. Perhaps it is related to the bad connectivity or some fluctuations at codehaus jira server.
Note that I also found another major bug (multiple JIRA repositories can
fail) which is also on the table for today:


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