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Re: [mylar-dev] Linux Eclipse Mylar performance

Thanks for the links Ian. I'm running the standard Gnome with gtk 2.6.10-2.


Ian Bull wrote:
Hi Rob,

As you probably know, I have been using Linux for Eclipse development for several years. I have found the performance under linux gets much better with each release. However, I have noticed that Mylar sometimes slows things down. Have you tried just a base Eclipse install?

Do you know what version of GTK you are running? Also, what window manager are you using? (Gnome, KDE, other?)

Here are a few pointers:

I am just finishing a paper, and after that I may have a few cycles to help with some of the Linux Mylar issues.


Robert Elves wrote:
Hi all. I've just set up a Fedora Core 4 Linux box running Eclipse 3.2M4
and have Mylar 0.4.7 installed. The hardware is Pentium III 1GHz with
half a gig of memory. Eclipse seems a little sluggish especially when
debugging. I was just wondering if anyone out there has had similar
experience and has some tips on how to boost the performance?



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