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RE: [mylar-dev] Adding support for Trac

Hi Brad,

Mylar 0.4.7 ( has preliminary
support for multiple repositories, and the Bugzilla plug-in extends this via
some very preliminary APIs and extension points.  So yes, this is feasible.

However, there is considerably more work that needs to go into improving and
eventually stabilizing those APIs and extension points.  Currently the only
guarantee is that they need to change over the next few weeks, with JIRA
support as the current driver.  We're using the following report to track
progress on this, so add yourself to the CC list (it's a bit of a monster
with 35 comments, but summarizes the current thinking):

It would also be good if you created a new bug report for the Trac
integration which we could use for discussion specific to that, and include
you would like this integration to work, interesting differences between
Trac and Bugzilla, etc.

I've noted that you couldn't find any documentation on this, was planning to
put up a developer FAQ this week and will add this as an entry.  It will
also outline how to go about making contributions of this sort.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> On Behalf Of Brad Clements
> Sent: January 19, 2006 6:10 AM
> To: mylar-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [mylar-dev] Adding support for Trac
> Hi,
> I'm interested in using Mylar with Trac instead of bugzilla.
> Is anyone else working on Trac support?
> I suppose there's some kind of plugin-api to add support for different bug
> repository types.
> I couldn't find any documentation on this topic on the eclipse/mylar
> website.
> Can someone provide a pointer to where I should go to get started?
> Or, maybe I'm totally off-base and Mylar won't support other repository
> types?
> --
> Brad Clements,                bkc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx    (315)268-1000
> AOL-IM or SKYPE: BKClements
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