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Re: [mylar-dev] temporary expand with keyboard

Hi Mik,

  How about adding an option that would disable this feature?

Maybe it is a side effect of another bug (e.g. Mylar is collapsing some nodes in Package Explorer when using keyboard shortcut C-A-S-Down to lover interest on some other nodes, but I can't record a reproduceable test case), but when I am expanding collapsed nodes using Right key, Mylar is adding whole bunch of crap into the active context and it is quite annoying.

I also wonder if you can use Shift instead of Alt for mouse click or right key modifier or even better allow to configure it similar to how hovers are configured for Java editors.


Mik Kersten wrote:
The report is:

I'm still unclear on how to resolve it so I turned it into a discussion
item, which is probably what made it hard to find.  Right now this works by
hitting right-arrow without the Alt modifier pressed.  Alt+Right Arrow won't
work because having the Alt key causes messages to be sent to the window
(menus) not the view.  It's the opposite of the Linux problem cited on that
report (where Alt *clicks* go to the window, not the view).  We're about to
set up a Linux test box so we'll see if we can come up with a reasonable
modifier combination for clicking, but there's nothing obvious.  In the
meantime, could you post whether or not the current no-modifier Right Arrow
key press works for you?  Personally I've been using that almost as much as


-----Original Message-----
From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Eugene Kuleshov
Sent: January 6, 2006 9:05 PM
To: Mylar developer discussions
Subject: [mylar-dev] temporary expand with keyboard


  I can't find a bug report for temporary mylar filter expand with
keyboard. Can you remind me what is the status of this issue and if you
are going to add Alt modifier to make it similar as Alt-MouseClick



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