It seems we are getting close. Just to recap what Eric and I would
like to accomplish:
1. Eric is building a package for Mobile and specifically Android
2. In the Mobile package, when a user starts MPC we would like the
feature list on startup to show listings from this category
3. I could see this also being a useful customization for some of
the other packages.
From the e-mails it seems we have the following:
1. MPC reads the eclipse.product key that is unique to each
package. It then passes this unique key to the Marketplace server.
2. However, it would seem right now the server does not know how to
map that key to a specific category. Is this correct?
On 5/9/2012 8:53 PM, Nathan Gervais wrote:
Currently the only thing that the MPC server checks for when
serving content is the presence of the client variable being set
to 'org.eclipse.epp.mpc.core'. We do this to verify that its MPC
that is indeed calling and this is when we apply our filters for
member only listings etc.
The REST API currently supports returning featured listings for a
category (/featured/api/p/13 as an example) which it currently
does when you select a category inside MPC. I want to make sure
we're all on the same page here and the behaviour we want is that
packages can preselect which category would be the default
selection from the categories drop down when MPC is launched,
Nathan Gervais
Web Developer - Eclipse Foundation
On 5/9/2012 4:26 PM, Ian Skerrett wrote:
@benjamin, when MPC is first started, what is the product code
sent to get the featured list? Is that product code an
extermalized string that can be customized by EPP? Nathan, can
confirm but I think the backend does look at the code.
@eric on the backend we have rules on what solutions we return.
For instance, we only return listings that have proper IUs setup
so they can actually be installed We also only return listings
that are licensed oss or from Foundation member companies.
On 5/9/2012 2:49 PM, ERIC CLONINGER wrote:
Hi Ben,
This definitely paints a clearer picture.
To dig a little further, if the Eclipse Marketplace backend were to
handle that parameter and return some results, would it be to the full
set of solutions? I don't want anything to prevent users from seeing
all the solutions, but it would be nice if the solutions for mobile
and embedded devices were listed first.
I say this, since the user has chosen a specific package, presumably
he wants solutions for those roles. At least at first, then they can
look for other tools to fulfill their job role.
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Benjamin Muskalla
<benjamin.muskalla@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The MPC client actually sends the product id as part of the MPC requestst to
the server (eg. &product=org.eclipse.epp.package.rcp.product).
This way the server can actually response with different features for a
particular product (or EPP package as they have their own product). As far
as I know, the Eclipse Marketplace currently ignores the product attribute.
Hope that helps,
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:22 PM, ERIC CLONINGER <dcp874@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all,
I'm working on a new EPP project for mobile devices, as described by this
Ian and I were discussing how this package would operate and I have a
thought. Would it be possible for MPC to load with the filters
pre-selected based on the package? Perhaps some bit of data about the
package itself could be fed into MPC or read from the initial query to
know which filters to apply.
Eric Cloninger (ericc@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Product Line Manager, MOTODEV Tools
Eclipse Sequoyah Project Lead
mpc-dev mailing list
Benjamin Muskalla
Software Engineer, Tasktop Sync
Committer, Eclipse Mylyn, Eclipse EGit
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