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[mosquitto-dev] Inconsistency with PBKDF2_SHA512 password hashing when using script as opposed to mosquitto_passwd

Hi Roger and all, 

I was playing around with the passlib python package which offers pbkdf2_sha512 encryption and I wanted to use the password generated from this function to generate users for mosquitto.


from passlib.hash import pbkdf2_sha512
from secrets import token_bytes

digest = pbkdf2_sha512.using(salt=token_bytes(12), salt_size=12, rounds=101).hash('testing')

print(digest + '==') # this is required because checksum is only 86 chars long

this will generate something like:

we replace the first part with $7$ because that is how mosquitto understands which scheme the password hash is.

I found out that there is some inconsistency in mosquitto.


Whenever there is a '.' character in the the password part of the hash or in the salt part, mosquitto discards the credentials outright.


   1678781554: Error: Unable to decode password salt for user test1, removing entry.

Is there something wrong from my part or is it a known observation about special characters in password hashes

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