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Re: [mosquitto-dev] TLS with 8266 sensor problem.

Thanks for the update. I have never had such issues running TLS 1.2 in nodemcu v3 for MQTT connections (QoS 2). Perhaps you're using keys that are too large?

El mar., 18 oct. 2022 16:24, Carlos G Mendioroz <tron@xxxxxxx> escribió:
FTR, it was the watchdog.
I ended up disabling the software watchdog arround the connect() call,
and indeed, I see some longish connections:

1666102457: New connection from on port 995.
1666102462: New client connected from as gas_sensor
(p2, c1, k15).

and no tx errors so far. 8266 soft wdt is supposed to be 3.2s, but some
claim it triggers even before that, so running TLS even at 160MHz seems
like near its limits.


Carlos G Mendioroz @ 17/10/2022 16:45 -0300 dixit:
> Hi, just trying to see if this rings a bell to someone.
> I'm seeing random connection errors from a sensor using certs.
> (random like 10% of the time it fails)
> I have a GAS meter sensor reporting to a mosquitto server via wifi.
> In order to save battery, the mote sleeps and resets with a reed switch
> that triggers with the meter counter '0' passing by. This works, but I
> have identified times when the mote starts and does not manage to get
> the messages sent.
> A successful cycle logs 2 lines in mosquitto.log:
> 1666030079: New connection from on port 995.
> 1666030081: New client connected from as gas_sensor
> (p2, c1, k15).
> but unsucessful one just have the first line.
> I noticed that the startup does get some time (2 seconds!) so I was
> afraid a watchdog could be at fault here, so inserted a ESP.wdtFeed()
> just before client.connect(mqtt_client), no joy.
> Help, advise or experience is more tham welcome :)

Carlos G Mendioroz  <tron@xxxxxxx>
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