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[mosquitto-dev] PUBACK sent after disconnect on publish


I'm using libMosquitto(pp) with the mosquitto (v1.6.8) broker and when using the cpp wrapper my app end's up disconnecting from the broker (QoS 1) before the broker has sent the PUBACK. This results in 'Socket error on client %s, disconnecting.' and sometimes a message is counted as published, without error, but the broker doesn't actually retain it (retain set).
Here is the short logging capture/example:

1582239917: New client connected from as test_1419364277 (p2, c1, k60).
1582239917: Sending CONNACK to test_1419364277 (0, 0)
1582239917: Received PUBLISH from test_1419364277 (d0, q1, r1, m1, 'device/test', ... (495 bytes))
test: on disconnect
1582239917: Sending PUBACK to test_1419364277 (m1, rc0)
1582239917: Socket error on client test_1419364277, disconnecting.

Where the 'test: on disconnect' message is fired by the mosquittopp:
virtual void on_disconnect(int /*rc*/) {return;}

This is the code I'm using, stripped down for readability.
  this->connect (_host, _port, _keepalive)

  publish (NULL, topic, strlen (message), message, _qos, retain);

  while (this->want_write()) {
    std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds (1));

  // Adding a long sleep here prevents premature disconnect before PUBACK from broker
  // What is the right way, this would be way to hacky to use for real...
  // std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds (2));


Question: Is there a function I should be calling to ensure the PUBACK has been completed or is this implied by the 'publish()' function (bug?).


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