I have a rather basic mosquitto
configuration issue that I am going round in circles with... I
clearly have some fundamental misunderstanding that I would
grateful if someone could sort out.
For the time being I am ignoring
encryption - that's for later. So everything on port 1883 for
I can get mosquitto to work fine with a
single (default) listener. So "port 1883" + "bind_interface
localhost" = no problem. Testing with mosquitto_sub/pub allows
me to exchange messages perfectly. Alternatively, just
omitting all port/bind_interface/listener directives works,
presumably due to the default listener starting.
But anything involving "listener" seems
to give me a "Connection refused" error with mosquitto_sub .
So omitting "bind_interface" but adding "listener 1883" or "listener 1883
localhost" with or without "port 1883" gives me the same
"Connection refused " error. I can see from the log that I
am also getting an error on daemon startup saying "Error:
Address already in use".
fundamental thing am I missing? I ask because eventually I
want to create two listeners, one bound to localhost and a
second to a network card with a static IP address out to a
wireless access point, and then ignore MQTT traffic on the
main, public internet-connected network. I then want to add
encryption to (at least) the wireless connection. But since
I am stumbling on two unencrypted connections...
On Linux Mint 19.