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Re: [mosquitto-dev] One of my clients is not receiving messages on a certain topic

Perhaps an  ACL problem? Does the receiving client have read access for that topic?

I had a similar "problem" using mysql plugin.


El 3/7/2017 18:53, "Mickael Mattox" <mickael.mattox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
I'm using mosquitto in a production system with 15 clients and 1 broker.  All clients use the same version of my software.  Today one of my clients stopped receiving one of the message from the broker on a specific topic.  I look in the broker logs and I see another client posting to this topic but the broker doesn't send it to the client.

I don't know how to troubleshoot this.  If anyone has some suggestions to debug it, it would be very helpful.  All clients run the same software, which hasn't changed in over a week, and I've rebooted the client.  The client was receiving this message fine the previous business day.  So I'm not sure what else to try.  I have had a similar problem twice, in test environments, and I deleted the mosquitto database and then it worked again.  But I hesitate to do that in production. 

Here is an example from the logs, the message the client does not receive is requestKioskData from backoffice.

Here the client subscribes:

1499099308: Received SUBSCRIBE from CLIENT-123
1499099308: kiosk/CLIENT-123/sync/requestKioskData (QoS 2)
1499099308: CLIENT-123 2 kiosk/CLIENT-123/sync/requestKioskData
1499099308: Sending SUBACK to CLIENT-123

1499099308: Received SUBSCRIBE from CLIENT-123
1499099308: kiosk/CLIENT-123/checkId (QoS 2)
1499099308: CLIENT-123 2 kiosk/CLIENT-123/checkId
1499099308: Sending SUBACK to CLIENT-123

1499099309: Received PUBLISH from CLIENT-123 (d0, q1, r1, m33609, 'pops/kiosk/CLIENT-123/state', ... (84 bytes))
1499099309: Sending PUBACK to CLIENT-123 (Mid: 33609)

1499099309: Sending PUBLISH to backoffice (d0, q1, r0, m6844, 'pops/kiosk/CLIENT-123/state', ... (84 bytes))

Here the backoffice sends a message to the client:
1499099309: Received PUBLISH from backoffice (d0, q2, r0, m40327, 'kiosk/CLIENT-123/sync/requestKioskData', ... (171 bytes))

But the rest of the log just has the ping requests:

1499099310: Received PINGREQ from Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099310: Sending PINGRESP to Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099321: Received PINGREQ from Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099321: Sending PINGRESP to Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099328: Sending PUBREC to CLIENT-123 (Mid: 27313)
1499099331: Received PINGREQ from Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099331: Sending PINGRESP to Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099340: Received PINGREQ from Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099340: Sending PINGRESP to Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099349: Sending PUBREC to CLIENT-123 (Mid: 27313)
1499099351: Received PINGREQ from Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099351: Sending PINGRESP to Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099360: Received PINGREQ from Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099360: Sending PINGRESP to Updater-CLIENT-123
1499099369: Received PINGREQ from CLIENT-123
1499099369: Sending PINGRESP to CLIENT-123
1499099370: Sending PUBREC to CLIENT-123 (Mid: 27313)
1499099370: Received PINGREQ from Updater-CLIENT-123


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