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[mosquitto-dev] Suggestion regarding `persistent_client_expiration`

The configuration key `persistent_client_expiration` has its minimum
value of 1 day.

There are network contexts, including the one I use Mosquitto with,
where valid data has the expiration time lower than 1 day, for
example, actuators in a real time network, where the network must
respond in a time window of seconds to the user input.

If the configuration key `persistent_client_expiration` accepted
_seconds_ and _minutes_ as valid value. Clients, in these real time
networks, could catch only not expired data from the broker in the
events of the connection getting dropped and re-established again.

To make it short:
My suggestion is that `persistent_client_expiration` get implemented
to work with time windows from 1 sec.

I can do the coding, just need to know if it is a welcome change.


Skype: felipeanl

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