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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Bug connexion...

Thank you Stefano  (and also Karl)

I try your test and I can know confirm that if
a client subscribe to a topic not allowed to read it will not receive the message published in that topic

So now i can create my broker and my client for my application.

Thank you again

2015-04-15 12:08 GMT+02:00 Stefano Costa <stefano.costa@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Are you sure you can actually "receive" messages on the topic you successfully subscribe to, with the wrong user/password?

You should:

- subscribe with wrong credentials on a terminal
- publish with correct credentials on another terminal

and see what happens. I realized weeks ago that mosquitto_sub "seems" to subscribe using TLS and wrong credentials, gives no error while it's actually continuously trying and failing (using more verbosity reveals this).

On 15/04/2015 11:47, Karl Palsson wrote:
Do you just mean that you "unauthenticated" user can susbcribe to your
"protected" topic which you weren't expecting?

They should be blocked from publishing, and they won't actually receive
any messages, even though the subscribe was successful.  This is normal.
  This is because a case where funtimes/secure/special and funtimes/public/boring topics exist, with funtimes/secure/special being "protected.  Subscriptions to funtimes/# should still succeed, but won't receive any messages for funtimes/secure/#

If that's what you're seeing, then everything's fine.

Karl Palsson

Thiery Badji <thiery.badji@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am a new user of mosquitto.
after configuration of my broker i use python client for connection.

connexion is established by ssl/tls username and password.

If i user a username and password different from the authentification
myconnexion is accept and the client can subscribe to a topic.

if it is for publish a message on a topc it is denied.

How to fix this problem on subscription.??

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Thiery BADJI 
Ecole Polytech Nantes 
Département:Electronique et Technologie Numérique
Spécialité: Systeme Embarqué et Temps Réel

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