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Re: [modeling-pmc] GMF Committer Vote for Boris Blajer


I didn't think the PMC had to vote to approve a decision about committers made by a subproject.  I thought only existing committers for that subproject or a component of that subproject needed to approve.   I'll ask Bjorn about that next week.  I have no basis for deciding to vote yes or no, so if we are required to vote, my policy will be to approve the vote of the subproject, i.e., to rubber stamp it. :-)  

So my vote, if one is necessary, is +1

Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
mailto: merks@xxxxxxxxxx
905-413-3265  (t/l 969)

"Richard Gronback" <Richard.Gronback@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

10/07/2006 03:38 AM

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PMC members mailing list <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>

[modeling-pmc] GMF Committer Vote for Boris Blajer

This email serves as a summary of a vote taken on the gmf-dev mailing list regarding the committer vote for Boris Blajer.

We have had 11 +1 votes with 0 -1 votes, and the vote has been open for greater than the required week, per the standard top-level charter.

We request a vote from the PMC for Boris Blajer to be added as a Committer on the GMF project.

My vote: +1

modeling-pmc mailing list

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