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[mobile-iwg] EMIWG Minutes 11 March 2010

== Date ==

11 March 2010, 11:00 AM ET (1600 UTC)

== Attendees ==

* Eric Cloninger (Motorola)
* Paul Beusterien (Symbian)
* Mark Rogalski (IBM)
* Jon Dearden (RIM)
* Ian Skerrett (Eclipse)

== Summary ==

* There was a discussion of the email that Eric sent, regarding updating of the p2 SDK discovery mechanism for Helios. There was no opposition to the proposal.
* Eric reported that the build of the Pulsar EPP package is working in a branch and can be integrated.
* Eric recalled the DSDP PMC proposal from Mike M at the Eclipse Foundation. Agreement that the Tools project is a reasonable location for Sequoyah/Pulsar to reside after the Helios release.
* Ian reminded us that the face-to-face meeting at EclipseCon is Wednesday at 10 a.m.
* Ian asked Christian (and Eric) to create a draft agenda for the meeting and send to the Mobile Working Group mailing list for discussion prior to the event.
** Topics:
*** Helios train. (Eric C, Christian)
*** The Sequoyah roadmap and how each organization is able/willing to contribute to the goals. (Eric C)
*** Search for common mobile tooling modules that can be identified. (Jon B)
*** The Symbian vision (Paul B)
*** Android tools for static analysis, code coverage, and profiling (Ian with Eric and someone from Sony-Ericsson)
** Locate a projector (Ian or Christian)
* Jon had a question about whether any of the Java ME "old guard" will be at EclipseCon this year (i.e. Craig S, or Gustavo)

Eric Cloninger (ericc@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Senior Product Manager, MOTODEV Studio for Android
Eclipse Sequoyah Project Lead

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