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[milo-dev] server status node has wrong type

hello Milo-dev

I've just run into unexpected problem when connected to opcua server and tried to access server status node

        ServerTypeNode serverNode = (ServerTypeNode) client1.getAddressSpace().getObjectNode(
        //and this line fails with ClassCastException
        ServerState state = serverNode.getServerStatusNode().getState();

we are using as server and latest milo client 0.6.11

And upon investigation I can see the following difference in response returned from that "broken" server and reference server implementation (milo)

On screenshot attached you may see that python returns as value of node rather complex structure while milo server returns null

Not sure if python server does this according to specification and is there any way to mitigate the issue ?


Attachment: milo-bug-1.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: milo-ok-1.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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