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[milo-dev] Upcoming Milo 0.6 Release


The release of Milo 0.6.0 is imminent.

This is probably the last "major" release before version 1.0. Milo has been functionally stable for a long time now and I don't foresee any further breaking API changes. The demo server built on the server SDK passes the full OPC UA Compliance Test Tool "Standard UA Server" suite. Any interim 0.6.x releases will be bug fixes as necessary unless somebody out there has a compelling reason otherwise.

When 1.0 is released all currently deprecated methods will be removed. Now is the time to migrate your code.

Development in the 1.0 release series is likely to be bug fixes only. I will soon be branching "dev/2.0" (possibly before 1.0 is even released) to begin work on implementing OPC UA 1.04/1.05.

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