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[milo-dev] Alarm/Event Notifications triggers from OPC server

Hi All,

Normal procedure for receiving notification from server is

1.Create Subscription
2.Create MpnitoringParameters/MonitoredItemCreateRequest

Once you do this PublishRequest/Response is used to receive notifications.

If we have to receive specific notifications/alarms instead of all the notifications from the server
The right way is to define a filter(DataChangeFilter,EventFilter etc) of type Extensible Parameter MonitoringFilter along with above 3 steps and
sentout notifications only if filter criteria is met?

If criteria is not met PublishResponse will be sent out with NotificationMessage set to null?

Or Is there a different way for condtionalNotifications/Alarms to be sent out without creating subscriptions,filters and monitoreditems and without sending empty PublishResponses ?

Please clarify.


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