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[milo-dev] 回复: The question about parameters of createSubscription function.

Hi kevin,

Thanks for your reply!

Best regards,
George Ray

发件人:Kevin Herron <kevinherron@xxxxxxxxx>
发送时间:2017年5月22日(星期一) 08:14
收件人:george.ray <george.ray@xxxxxxxxxx>; milo developer discussions <milo-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
主 题:Re: [milo-dev] The question about parameters of createSubscription function.

> When MonitoringMode is Reporting, is the changed value be published immediately or by requestedPublishingInterval value? In my testing, I set the interval 1000ms, and the average delay value of receive data is 1009ms.

PublishResponses are only ever returned as often as the publishing interval defined before the subscription. Value changes that occur in between are all collected and sent together.

How to understand parameters: requestedLifetimeCount/requestedMaxkeepAliveCount/maxNofificationsPerPublish?

These parameters are used to determine how often a keep-alive response is sent when no values are changing and how long until a subscription expires if the client stops sending PublishRequests. More details are available in Part 4 of the spec.

publishingEnabled If set false, which one to be disabled? OPC server can't publish changed value to OPC client

This enables or disables publishing for the entire subscription. This is the same thing the SetPublishingMode service does.

> priority I think the subscription with higher level will be published preferred. 

Priority really only matters when there's not enough PublishRequests for the number of subscriptions and data changes that are happening. You can read more about it in Part 4 as well.

On Sat, May 20, 2017 at 8:59 PM, george.ray <george.ray@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

In class OpcUASubscriptionManager, createSubscription method:
public CompletableFuture<UaSubscription> createSubscription(
double requestedPublishingInterval,
UInteger requestedLifetimeCount,
UInteger requestedMaxKeepAliveCount,
UInteger maxNotificationsPerPublish,
boolean publishingEnabled,
UByte priority)
1. requestedPublishingInterval
    When MonitoringMode is Reporting, is the changed value be published immediately or by requestedPublishingInterval value?
    In my testing, I set the interval 1000ms, and the average delay value of receive data is 1009ms.
2. How to understand parameters: requestedLifetimeCount/requestedMaxkeepAliveCount/maxNofificationsPerPublish?
3. publishingEnabled
    If set false, which one to be disabled? OPC server can't publish changed value to OPC client
4. priority
    I think the subscription with higher level will be published preferred. 

Best regards,
George Ray

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