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Re: [microprofile-wg] June 27th, 2023 Steering Committee Minutes Approval. Request vote by July 7th

+1 (Tomitribe) 

On Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 8:22 AM John Clingan <jclingan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
+1 (Red Hat)

On Jun 30, 2023, at 9:47 AM, John Clingan <jclingan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Meeting minutes pasted below. Meeting minutes PDF attached. Source minutes available here


MicroProfile Steering Committee Meeting - June 27th, 2023

  1. DO NOT EDIT AGENDA. This is the responsibility of the meeting moderator with input from the steering committee and community. Agenda items should be discussed in the mailing list/forum or in prior Steering Committee meetings first.
  2. Prefer comments occur in mailing lists/forums.
  3. Document editing is enabled for community to add themselves to list of community contributors during call

Tweeted pic here, recording here, meeting minutes folder here

Meeting Attendees
Steering Committee
(Quorum = 6)
(Name, organization)
Atlanta JUG - Vincent Mayers
Fujitsu - 
IBM - Emily Jiang, Nathan Rauh
iJUG - Jan Westerkamp
Garden State JUG - 
Microsoft - Reza Rahman
Oracle - Dmitry Kornilov
Payara - Luis, Alfonso
Primeton -
Red Hat - Roberto
Tomitribe - David, Amelia
Committer Member - N/A

Eclipse Foundation
Paul Buck


  • Cesar Hernandez (Tomitribe)
  • Martin Stefanko (Red Hat)
  • Luqman Saeed (Payara)

Agenda Item
Past meeting minutes approval
Approved via microprofile-wg email thread.
Business since last Steering Committee Meeting
  • March 28th Steering Committee Meeting minutes approved.
  • MicroProfile 7.0 Release Proposal 1 approved.
  • Config 3.1 Plan Review approved.
  • Telemetry 1.1 Plan Review approved.
Current Items

MicroProfile 6.1 Plan Review
  • Plan review (Github here, , Release Plan Review here)
  • Emily plans to start a 6.1 ballot after the call

MicroProfile JWT and Jakarta Security Bridge Spec status (meeting minutes link)

David will move his PR from microprofile/microprofile-sandbox to eclipse/microprofile-sandbox. Emily will add some additional info from the minutes. The plan is to start a creation review in 2-week time. Plan: start a Creation Review ballot on 11th July.

MicroProfile Marketing:

Clark from EF should be able to find out how much budget is left for 2023. Reza will talk to Clark.

Could the MicroProfile swags be printed in Germany? 

Motion: Allocate $3k from MicroProfile budget in 2023 to sponsor  EclipseCon Community Java Day in October 2023.

No objections. Red Hat abstains. Roberto brought up there are many other conferences and we could consider the sponsorship. 

Conference support is not assumed to be a recurring event and will be reviewed every year 

Conclusion: Motion passed.

  • Spending part of the remainder of the marketing budget on the creation of written MicroProfile tutorials. 

For the second point, the idea is to spend $5K of the remaining budget on professional, written tutorials that will aid in the adoption of the technology.

Reza: $5k is bare minimum to spend to promote MicroProfile. Maybe $10k if we can afford it. 
David: We should consider other ways such as volunteering first. If we could not find the free contributions, we can consider the paying option either getting one person or multiple people. We can do something like a conference pass etc.

Reza: How long should we wait for volunteers? 
David: Instead of getting one person, we get a few people and award the top contributors. Create a program that has prizes for the top contributors, advertise the program and rewards and get volunteers. There can be tiers of prizes.  Run the program for a few months and conclude in enough time to use the budget this year, say December.  Prizes would be allocated to the top contributors.
Amelia: Reach out to Victor to see whether he is interested in doing the contributions.
      Lars wrote  the whitepaper in the past with many companies contributing pro-bono.

Reza: We need to solidify the plan. 
Next step: Reza will use open source mediums to reach out to Clark to find out the Marketing budget.
 We (MicroProfilers) are discussing the  design of a programme to encourage community contributions.
Next Steering Committee call
Parking Lot

<MicroProfile Steering Committee Meeting - June 27th, 2023.pdf>

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