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Re: [microprofile-wg] [DISCUSS] MicroProfile 7.0 Ballot verbiage straw poll

I apologize as I wasn’t able to understand your answer to my questions.  I’m trying to understand the impacts of what you’re proposing, but I’m not confident I understand what you’re proposing.

Are you proposing we release 7.0 with EE 10 as the requirement, then potentially release 7.1 with EE 11 as the requirement?

 - do you see this as a breaking change?
 - will MP 7.0 implementations that are based on EE 10 be able to implement 7.1 and claim certification?

If you could answer inline that’d be helpful.

David Blevins

On May 19, 2023, at 6:06 PM, reza_rahman@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

The examples are just examples. If we want to be more concrete, this is how I see things playing out:
  • MicroProfile 6 is based on EE 10.
  • Any MicroProfile releases we do until EE 11 should be based on EE 10.
  • There is a very high probability EE 11 will be a breaking change because of things like removing @Context in favor of @Inject.
  • For sake of illustration, let’s say the next MicroProfile release after EE 11 is MicroProfile 8. We should aim to adopt EE 11 in this release and aim to do it no more than a few months after EE 11.
Implementations frankly do not have many pragmatic choices as to what to do based on those very likely realities if they intend to be reasonably up to date with both MicroProfile and Jakarta EE.

Beyond the above, frankly I believe what I am proposing is fairly clearly outlined in the doc especially including my comments If further clarity is really needed, I suggest we get one a one on one call. I suspect continuing here isn’t terribly helpful to most.

Another option is coming to the realization that we don’t have a disconnect in understanding but merely very different things we value. If we suspect that to be the case, I suggest the most productive path is agreeing to disagree.

From: microprofile-wg <microprofile-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of David Blevins <dblevins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 8:19 PM
To: Microprofile WG discussions <microprofile-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [microprofile-wg] [DISCUSS] MicroProfile 7.0 Ballot verbiage straw poll
I don’t see how a 7.1 is possible, but maybe you’re imagining a different set of constraints and that’s the source of the disconnect.

Is what you’re proposing that we issue MP 7.0 with EE 10 as the required EE version and then potentially issue an MP 7.1 later that changes the EE version from 10 to 11?

If I’ve understood the proposal:

 - do you see this as a breaking change?
 - will MP 7.0 implementations that are based on EE 10 be able to implement 7.1 and claim certification?

On May 19, 2023, at 4:52 PM, reza_rahman@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

As I mentioned, these are not big issues if MicroProfile keeps track of what is going on with Jakarta EE (or Java SE for that matter) and plans a reasonably timely release adopting the newer version. Now if the lag is years, an implementation is only paying attention to one technology and not the other, etc, there is possibly a bigger issue I don’t think these are serious problems for most implementations and certainly not something like Open Liberty.

To reiterate what I had put into the doc, if EE 11 is in fact backwards compatible with EE 10, there’s no practical problem with running the TCKs against MicroProfile 7 for the time being, tell it’s customers that’s what it did, and then work toward properly certifying against 7.1, knowing that’s it’s only a few months of “awkwardness” at most (provided the implementation in question has been keeping up within reason with MicroProfile too).

If EE 11 is not compatible with EE 10, the implementation has a tougher choice to make. It will have to forego MicroProfile 7 certification and just work towards certifying against 8 (it can’t be called 7.1 since it’s not going to be backward compatible either but really the timing is still mostly the same as “7.1”) - again with probably not more than a few months of additional lag as to when certification is possible (again assuming that the implementation in question has been keeping reasonably up to date with MicroProfile too).

To be honest, another reason I am not overly concerned is that it does not feel like either Jakarta EE or MicroProfile has a tremendous amount of changes going on - certainly in the Jakarta EE Core Profile and perhaps not in MicroProfile either.

From: microprofile-wg <microprofile-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of David Blevins <dblevins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 7:07 PM
To: Microprofile WG discussions <microprofile-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [microprofile-wg] [DISCUSS] MicroProfile 7.0 Ballot verbiage straw poll
> On May 19, 2023, at 3:28 PM, reza_rahman@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> It’s definitely correct that we don’t agree on the problem.

Is it possible we can talk about the problem statement in the document?

The issue that’s outlined is that if we continue to do things the way we’ve been, an implementation that wants to be present at the day have the Jakarta EE 11 vote will:

- not be able to obtain MicroProfile 7 certification as it will require 10 and will not allow 11
- not know what the MicroProfile 8 requirements will be in enough time to know what to implement
- An MP 71 would not be possible as a change from EE 10 to 11 is a breaking change which we don’t allow in minor versions

Scenarios where implementations that come out after all releases are out don’t have the issue, so we don’t need to mention them.

Do you have thoughts about this problem?

David Blevins

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