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[microprofile-wg] [BALLOT] March 28th, 2023 Steering Committee Minutes Approval. Request vote by April 12th

Meeting minutes pasted below. Meeting minutes PDF attached. Source minutes available here. Votes will be tallied when I am back in the office the week of April 10th.

MicroProfile Steering Committee Meeting - March 28th, 2023


  1. DO NOT EDIT AGENDA. This is the responsibility of the meeting moderator with input from the steering committee and community. Agenda items should be discussed in the mailing list/forum or in prior Steering Committee meetings first.

  2. Prefer comments occur in mailing lists/forums.

  3. Document editing is enabled for community to add themselves to list of community contributors during call

Tweeted pic here, recording here, meeting minutes folder here

Meeting Attendees

Steering Committee

(Quorum = 6)


(Name, organization)

Atlanta JUG - 

Fujitsu - Kenji

IBM - Emily, Nathan

iJUG - Jan Westerkamp

Garden State JUG - Michael Redlich

Microsoft - 

Oracle - Dmitry

Payara - Alfonso Valdez , Luís Neto

Primeton -

Red Hat - John, Roberto

Tomitribe - Amelia, David

Committer Member - N/A

Eclipse Foundation

Paul Buck


  • Emerson Castaneda

  • Martin Stefanko (Red Hat)

Agenda Item


Past meeting minutes approval

Approved via microprofile-wg email thread.

Business since last Steering Committee Meeting

  • LRA 2.0 (results)

  • Jakarta Security and MP JWT Interlock (notes)

Current Items

MicroProfile 2023 Program Plan Status

  • Emily created a doodle poll for a followup Jakarta Security and MP JWT Interlock call. Please vote on a time.

  • SWAG Updated design &print outside of budget

    • Paul recommends to reply to the working group thread asking to point to where the trademark violation is.

    • Amelia to comment on thread.

  • MicroProfile 7.0 Release Plan Review (Draft)

    • Release Proposals

      • Ran a quick poll to see where we are. 4 of 9 preferred option 1. 5 of 9 preferred option 3.

      • Plan to update option 1 with proposed clearer language (in comments). David and/or Dmitry to comment on language, others can reply.

  • Alfonso (Primary) and Luis (Alternate) are Payara voting members

Next Steering Committee call

See MicroProfile Calendar

Parking Lot

Attachment: MicroProfile Steering Committee Meeting - March 28th, 2023.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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