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Re: [microprofile-wg] [ACTION REQUESTED] Swag Shipping Addresses

Hi Reza,

first, thank you for supporting this!

Unfortunately I need some additional information and could not get answers on the last MP Marketing Meeting:

From where the shipping will be done?
What is the worth of the shipment?
Which logistic companies are involved?
When is planed to ship?
Would be able to receive the shipment free of any charge (to Germany: additional transport fees, 19 % tax, unknown customs percentage)?

As all the involved parties "optimize" the (in fact: their part only of the) process, we are not sure we are able to receive a swag delivery in a reliable way. The 2021 Swag delivery failed glorious and a lot of resources are wasted already!

To ensure the delivery of the 2022 swag can be received, I want to pick it up in person at the Eclipse Foundation Europe office or storage in Darmstadt, Germany (, Silvia will be the contact person). The other parts of the EF should be able select the best option to send there - I only figured out that the 2022 MP Swag is not located there already. As I expect the swag shipment from somewhere (outside the EU) will not be free of charge, delivery to the JavaLand (starting 21st of March) directly will not be possible already and a hub somewhere is necessary to be in time. Or we have to store it for JavaLand 2024...

Until the swag creation and delivery process works end-to-end up to reliable receiving, I want to pick up the swag from the EFE site, which is reliable (of course, this is a local optimum from iJUG unfortunately).

The current process just do not work for us, as this is a push (from the US?), not a pull where you have at least the chance to track the delivery. Because of a lot of cheating in past of especially electronics from China via Amazon with less worth declarations, the German customs is strict now and also the free delivery limit has been lowered.

On top, from the business perspective the additional fees and required resources to handle these international shipments (for swag!) are suboptimal. As a habitant of this planet, I am shocked that we waste so much resources for sending enriched cotton around the globe - the smarter way would be sending the design digitally and print locally (where possible). This also could take into account other local standards like sizes.

But again, many thanks to you, Reza, to forward this - hopefully you have more success than me in the past to push this into the right direction. And I hope I can spend more resources to the technical side (like fixing vulnerabilities at the moment) again instead of doing logistics. ;-)


Am 03.03.23 um 18:07 schrieb Reza Rahman:

We are trying to promptly send out the 2022 swag to all members as agreed. I need shipping addresses for the following members for this purpose. I also need a phone number associated with the shipping address, especially for shipments outside of North America. Please send it to me and Emerson (copied) privately. Please indicate if you would like to use this address/phone number going forward.

* Fujitsu

* iJUG

* Oracle

* Primeton

* Tomitribe

I already have the details for Atlanta JUG, Garden State JUG, IBM, Payara and Red Hat - thank you.

I need this by next Friday, 10th March at the very latest.



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