After some lengthy discussion regarding the issue
David raised in this thread that MicroProfile 7.0 is
trying to solve, we revealed
this googledoc
containing some proposals in
yesterday's MicroProfile technical call. There
are 4 proposals listed with cons/pros included.
For Proposal
4: Making the MicroProfile a profile of Jakarta EE,
the group felt that there was a prerequisite to
dissolve MicroProfile working group. This might not be
feasible to release MicroProfile 7.0 in June 2023.
With this in mind, the group felt it might be better
for us to focus on Option 1, 2 and 3 and discuss
further in the next few days till Tuesday next week.
At the MicroProfile Live Hangout, we can decide
whether we need further discussion or put up for a
vote on Option 1, 2 or 3 among MicroProfile Working
1: MicroProfile releases support a minimum Jakarta EE versions
2: Create MicroProfile Lite and rename the current umbrella to MicroProfile Full
3: Release new MicroProfile versions when new Jakarta EE/Java SE versions are released
I understand not everyone was in yesterday's call.
Please use this thread to share your thoughts.
Alternatively, please comment on the cons/pros of
each individual proposal.
Thank you Arjan! Your proposal was added to the
doc. We will continue the discussion of
MicroProfile 7.0 next Tuesday.
On Wednesday,
February 8, 2023 at 3:47:44 PM UTC Arjan Tijms
On Tuesday, January 31, 2023
at 6:09:14 PM UTC+1 Emily Jiang wrote:
As promised, I have created
this googledoc to capture and log
some comments for this conversation.
Thanks for creating the document Emily.
Could you also add my proposal of making
the Micro Profile a profile of Jakarta EE to
the document as proposal 4?
I know some of you may think it's a
peculiar proposal, but I would like to ask
those people to do the following thought
"If the micro profile didn't exist
yet, and today, given the situation of how
Jakarta EE is at Eclipse and everything,
we would talk about adding a micro profile
and associated new APIs. Would you then
wanted to create a new working group for
this new micro profile, or would you add
it as a profile to Jakarta EE?"
My guess is you already know the answer
to this, but truthfully for yourself, go
through this mental exercise. It may also
help to think about why we didn't create new
or separate working groups for the core
profile last year and for the web profile
after it was transferred.
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms
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