Thank you Jan for sharing your thoughts! By the way, MicroProfile has been using semantic versioning from the first release and each spec uses the plugin to work out whether there are breaking changes introduced or not.
As for Proposal 1, the implementation indeed needs to test the variation they support. The umbrella spec just specifies the minimum, as long as the impl can demonstrate they can support the combination, they can claim the certification.
@Reza: I would like to disagree you
here - we need to discuss these proposals in detail, because it's
not only affecting the next release, it's about all future
releases until we change the strategy again.
And as the Google Doc and it's version
history might get lost, this mailing list will be archived for
future review.
I added some comments in the Google
Doc, but I have major to minor concerns for all of these proposal
First of all, from my point of view,
the discussion is mainly focused on the vendors and not the users
view, while the last one is important for a successful
specification in the long run.
Then second, we are focussing on
releasing according to the past (retrograde) and not keep in mind
potential future releases too (anterograde), when cutting
Why we not officially decide to use
Semantic Versioning (semver) first (and not something "alike" or
following it partly only)?
Users like this de facto industry
standard, as this manifests the design-by-contract pattern with
well-defined rules in a short version number, which makes things
When maintaining software according to
semver, a consumer of a software artefact (like a dependency in an
application or specification), knows by looking on the version
number (string), what can be updated or combined in a safe way: A
higher Patch Release is safe, as this should fix issues only and
also a Minor Release is safe, while this might contain new
features to, but in a non-breaking way. When updating to a Major
Release, then extra caution is necessary, as this means at least
something breaks! To know, if this affects you, this means RTFM
(read the f...... manual) like release notes, spec documents etc.
Because Major Release updates create
extra work (sometimes with no direct benefit for the consumer in
the short), we should do them carefully and not more than
Therefore it's a good idea to combine
multiple breaking changes in one single Major Release on component
and umbrella spec level, so there is room for doing feature
enhancements in future releases only with a Minor Release and also
even allow to backport (some) of these new features aligned to
older Major Releases later, without violating the versioning
This simplifies maintenance too, as
Patch Releases are possible for every existing version.
There are corner cases, where you can
argument that the artefact in scope is not affected directly from
a breaking change in a lower dependency level and you do not need
to do a Major Release - but this can create a hidden link for the
user of that artefact, as he might be affected - and looking at
the version contract is not enough, because this is transitive...
The other way around is another
possibility: Do the same breaking change in the upper artefact
with a Major release with a non-Major Release in the dependency
and then later, do a Major Release with this breaking change (and
only that one, that was already done in the upper artefact) in it,
combined with a non-Major Release in the upper artefact, so
skipping the Major Release there. But this is not that obvious to
the user and might confuse him. At least it requires some sort of
RTFM again...
Example: The umbrella spec can decide
to do a release that requires Java SE 21, but a component spec (as
a part of it) could still allow Java SE 17 - even it can be used
with the umbrella spec with Java SE 21 (or above) only. Then in
the next release, the umbrella spec can do a non-Major Release
that contains that component spec's Major Release, when the only
breaking change in it is raising the requirement to Java SE 21 for
it, as it was done for the umbrella spec already.
BTW, Java SE version schema deviates
from semver severely, but there are breaking changes that are done
with extra care, especially between LTS releases (including
between 11, 17 and 21) - but this requires some RTFM again. ;-)
Helpful to identify them could be this Java Version Almanac
With the last Jakarta EE Releases, we
have breaking changes too, and Jakarta EE 21 will be no exception,
like Jakarta REST 4.0, Java SE 21 (LTS). Getting to
non-experimental JPMS support might result in some breaking
changes too, as JPMS disallows circular dependencies on modules
and does not support (multiple) versions of a module.
This is another requirement we need to
be aware of in MicroProfile too, especially when we let Jakarta EE
depend on MP specs!
Regarding the proposals here my
Proposal 1:
With semver it would be allowed to support newer versions in the
future, but supporting multiple Major Releases as intended here is
leaving the safe path and extremely dangerous!
Managing Ranges of versions for specs
also lead to the problem, that they create multiple potential
system environments and the need to test all of the ones we want
to allow.
To remember, we are testing manually
yet! Continuous Integration might help to ensure the component
specs are tested in the umbrella specs scopes, so we do not end in
surprises there. But even then we have the challenge to deliver a
clean directed graph of dependencies for every variant and have a
much higher chance to be affected by security issues through
vulnerabilities - and this affects us now already...
Notably there are only two useful
aspects, we should think of in general:
Let component specs depend on component
specs only, not on umbrella specs directly, because then they
would require unused dependencies. However, we definitively should
manage the versions in the MP Parent with a BOM import, where
The other aspect we might consider is
defining the Jakarta EE Core Profile dependency as type provided -
this could help with some issues.
Proposal 2:
This Lite Profile variant complicates
things even more, while does not solve the system environment and
testing issue.
Proposal 3:
When there is a breaking change for the
user of a underlying dependency, like a higher minimum Java SE LTS
version requirement of a Jakarta EE Core Profile Major Release
(containing breaking changes), then we should plan a fitting
MicroProfile Major Release to support this.
And I think with component specs
depending on component specs only as mentioned above, a umbrella
spec release can be done very soon after the Core Profile release
- so implementations can support them together. Continuous
Integration will help here a lot too.
Dependencies in both directions would
be possible with this approach, as moving a spec in one or the
other direction, as a hole or in part.
I have some small concerns regarding
the described versioning in corner cases (see introduction here),
but I think it's the most viable solution for the next release.
For allowing accelerated patching we
can think about adding even the Jakarta EE dependencies as of type
provided, so i.e. vendors do not have to wait for a spec release
to fix a vulnerability.
Proposal 4:
This might be a solution in the long
run, if we can not justify the existence of two separate WGs (as
discussed in John's other thread).
I would not expect we can manage this
for the release fitting to Jakarta EE 11 currently.
So, in conclusion I would vote for
Proposal 3 definitively, may be by picking the useful two aspects
from Proposal 1 additionally.
Otherwise the maintenance and user
confusion will increase even more than yet, and I think we have to
do a lot already...
For (some) of the details of ongoing
issues, have a look at my CN4J call preparation slides:
Solving some of them (especially the
security related ones) may require doing Patch Releases for
Jakarta EE and MicroProfile (multiple versions) soon...
Agreeing on semver will make things
clearer and may make some parts of the discussions obsolete in the
future - and some parts can be automated with already existing
tooling for semver easily!
Am 02.03.23 um 01:15 schrieb Reza
Added some very minor comments. I think it's thorough enough
already for people to make a decision.
On 3/1/2023 6:23 PM, Emily Jiang via
microprofile-wg wrote:
After some lengthy discussion regarding the issue David
raised in this thread that MicroProfile 7.0 is trying to
solve, we revealed this
googledoc containing some proposals in yesterday's MicroProfile technical
call. There are 4 proposals listed with cons/pros
For Proposal 4: Making the MicroProfile a profile of Jakarta EE,
the group felt that there was a prerequisite to dissolve
MicroProfile working group. This might not be feasible to
release MicroProfile 7.0 in June 2023. With this in mind,
the group felt it might be better for us to focus on Option
1, 2 and 3 and discuss further in the next few days till
Tuesday next week. At the MicroProfile Live Hangout, we can
decide whether we need further discussion or put up for a
vote on Option 1, 2 or 3 among MicroProfile Working Members.
Proposal 1: MicroProfile releases support a minimum Jakarta EE versions
Proposal 2: Create MicroProfile Lite and rename the current umbrella to MicroProfile Full
Proposal 3: Release new MicroProfile versions when new Jakarta EE/Java SE versions are released
I understand not everyone was in yesterday's call. Please
use this thread to share your thoughts.
Alternatively, please comment on the cons/pros of each
individual proposal.
Thank you Arjan! Your proposal was added to the doc. We
will continue the discussion of MicroProfile 7.0 next
On Wednesday,
February 8, 2023 at 3:47:44 PM UTC Arjan Tijms wrote:
On Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at
6:09:14 PM UTC+1 Emily Jiang wrote:
As promised, I have created this googledoc to
capture and log some comments for this
Thanks for creating the document Emily.
Could you also add my proposal of making the
Micro Profile a profile of Jakarta EE to the
document as proposal 4?
I know some of you may think it's a peculiar
proposal, but I would like to ask those people to
do the following thought experiment:
"If the micro profile didn't exist yet, and
today, given the situation of how Jakarta EE is
at Eclipse and everything, we would talk about
adding a micro profile and associated new APIs.
Would you then wanted to create a new working
group for this new micro profile, or would you
add it as a profile to Jakarta EE?"
My guess is you already know the answer to
this, but truthfully for yourself, go through this
mental exercise. It may also help to think about
why we didn't create new or separate working
groups for the core profile last year and for the
web profile after it was transferred.