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Re: [microprofile-wg] [ACTION REQUESTED] Swag Shipping Addresses

A gentle reminder that we are still waiting on Primeton and iJUG.

On 3/3/2023 12:07 PM, Reza Rahman wrote:

We are trying to promptly send out the 2022 swag to all members as agreed. I need shipping addresses for the following members for this purpose. I also need a phone number associated with the shipping address, especially for shipments outside of North America. Please send it to me and Emerson (copied) privately. Please indicate if you would like to use this address/phone number going forward.

* Fujitsu

* iJUG

* Oracle

* Primeton

* Tomitribe

I already have the details for Atlanta JUG, Garden State JUG, IBM, Payara and Red Hat - thank you.

I need this by next Friday, 10th March at the very latest.



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