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Re: [microprofile-wg] [microprofile] Re: Swag Distribution Decisions at DevNexus

To be clear. I like Amelia's proposal here; it allows for a wider distribution of swag


Vincent Mayers
Atlanta Java Users Group

On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 12:54 PM Vincent Mayers <vincentm@xxxxxxxx> wrote:


Vincent Mayers
Atlanta Java Users Group

On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 8:37 PM Amelia Eiras <aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you, Reza. 

I have taken the first shot at distributing the 2022 swag, using 2021 swag distribution as the standard. Speakers are covered: rows 22 & 28, Javaland and DevNexus, respectively. 

Swag Allocation - Steering Committee Members. This distribution is my recommendation with the notes below. I hope it helps. MPWG shouldn't have to pay for storage now that we know the actual amounts and can allocate fairly quickly 💛 
  1. The WG specially requested the 2XL hoodies. Tomitribe desires to ship the extra 2XL added hoodies (in the sheet) to the MicroProfilers we know are active and need 2XL. If any other Members require an additional 2XL hoodie beyond the 1 allocated across, please say so or directly add it to the sheet.  There are 3 left 2XL hoodies for the taking by Members.   If no members claim them, Tomitribe would happily grab the 3 extra hoodies and store them until 3 MicroProfilers from our community request them. 
  2. Row 31 shows the leftover inventory after 6 speakers are covered and 10 members' swag allocation. The 15 hoodies left (row 31, column L) could be distributed by MicroProfilers volunteering at the Jakarta EE booth during DevNexus or similar.  
  3. Based on stats: Javaland speakers get 1 more Medium than Large. 
  4. Based on stats: DevNexus speakers get 1 more Large than Medium.  
  5. Column L shows what everyone gets and what is left using the feedback provided thus far. 

On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 4:27 PM Reza Rahman <m.reza.rahman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Responding once to the same question, I hope that's OK. I've updated the spreadsheet with the swag amounts purchased with the 2022 budget. The Foundation indeed only purchased hoodies on our behalf and stickers.

These are now sitting in a warehouse in North America. If these are not shipped soon, the warehouse will begin to charge a storage fee, which will come out of the 2023 budget.

Is there anything else you wanted to inquire about on this to help us move forward on decision making in a timely fashion?

On 2/21/2023 4:00 PM, Amelia Eiras wrote:
Same follow-up as Re: JavaLand? thread

Emerson and Reza, 

Can you please update the Swag 2022 spreadsheet, row 2 (fill in the amounts)? How much swag was purchased on MP hoodies and stickers using the $15,000?

 Feb 16th- MPWG forum email provides my feedback on Javaland's speaker coverage.  It also provides tracing reference to swag resolutions between the EF team and the WG from Dec 2022 as follows:

The discussion on what swag to print closed with only Hoodie resolution on Dec 16th via the MPWG mailing list Re: [microprofile-wg] 2022 Marketing Proposal
The swag pricing estimate was provided on Dec 8th. Swag price

Thank you, 

On Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 3:46 PM Reza Rahman <m.reza.rahman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

DevNexus is coming up much faster than one might realize and we need to
nail down decisions very soon. In that spirit I ask that we all weigh in
on the following promptly.

* Emily, Edwin and Josh have MicroProfile related talks. So far, the
consensus appears to be that we send them 10 shirts and 100 stickers
each to distribute during their talks. I think this is a sensible use of
money and the numbers make overall sense given about 40 people per talk
is a reasonable attendance number to expect at DevNexus.

* I think just doing the above is way under-utilizing the opportunity
that DevNexus represents. We should be looking to do much more for
several good reasons. It does seem like DevNexus has basically displaced
JavaOne as the premier Java conference (makes me a tiny bit sad but such
is life). The majority in terms of the core Java community seems to show
up there in one way or the other. The MicroProfile vendor booth presence
seems exceptionally strong perhaps as a result. Three of the vendors -
Microsoft, IBM and Payara are willing to help distribute swag from their
booth. To boot, North American destinations are very shipping cost
friendly. I suggest we use our swag dollars to maximize our impact at
DevNexus. The total attendance at DevNexus is ~1000+. I suggest we look
to send ~200 hoodies and ~1K stickers to distribute from the booths,
with both attendees and community leaders in mind. As a nice side
effect, this basically uses up our leftover 2022 budget (see potentially
very important note below on this).

Can you kindly share your thoughts on the items above in a timely
fashion so we can properly wrap up this important decision and move
forward? This is especially true of working group members, where this
money mostly comes from.


P.S.: One important consideration is spending swag with the 2022 budget
very soon, especially for working group members. I am not an accountant,
but utilizing OpEx money too late after the budget period is over can be
a very dicey matter in terms of tax audits (and non-profits like the
Eclipse Foundation are audited surprisingly often). I believe we should
play it safe and try to spend the 2022 money promptly and move on in a
timely fashion to the 2023 budget money. March/April may already be
getting into dicey territory.

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