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Re: [microprofile-wg] [BALLOT] [COMPLETE] Replace MicroProfile Compatibility Logo with compatible implementations web page

Given the passage of the resolution:

RESOLVED, the Steering Committee confirms that the MicroProfile working group will operate without a MicroProfile compatibility program and will not develop and utilize a Compatibility logo for use by compatible implementations of MicroProfile, and instead will allow any implementation that can make bonafide claims of compatibility in accordance with the Eclipse Foundation Specification Process to be listed and linked to as a compatible implementation on its webpage.

For clarity, I would like to provide guidance on what the working group and implementers of the MicroProfile specifications including the platform specification can say regarding compatibility.

The MicroProfile logo may not be used in conjunction with any product which claims compatibility. As per the Eclipse Foundation Trademark Usage Policy “The use of Eclipse WG Trademarks is restricted to identifying the applicable WG or their deliverables, which may include specifications, as applicable…[nor is it permitted to] suggest endorsement, association or affiliation with a WG or Eclipse Trademark without prior written approval of Eclipse….” A compatible third party implementation is not a working group deliverable. Having no compatibility logo or program, it is therefore not permitted to compose the MicroProfile logo with any descriptor that says or implies compatibility. 

Compatible implementations of specifications may be listed on a specification’s project page. It is expected that a compatible implementation would do a certification request that would be approved by the spec project prior to adding the implementation to their project page.

An implementer of any MicroProfile specification including the Platform Specification who has passed the applicable TCK and is in compliance with the Eclipse Foundation TCK Licence can make bonafide statements of compatibility. Examples:

  • Foo is a compatible implementation of the MicroProfile Config 2.0 specification.
  • Foobar is a compatible implementation of the MicroProfile Platform 4.1 specification
I hope this helps.

Thanks ... Paul

On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 1:45 PM John Clingan <jclingan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I declare this ballot complete and approved.

The summary of the votes is below.  9 votes, 2 abstains (“no votes”), 6 +1s, 3 -1s. The votes meet the two thirds super-majority threshold.

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