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Re: [microprofile-wg] [microprofile] 2022 MicroProfile Program Plan feedback

Hi Sharon,

Many of the items in the plan are for initiatives the community intends to perform with volunteers and without budget.  However, there is some desire to have budget available for swag, etc.  What is the best way for the working group to let the Eclipse Foundation know these kinds of desires so it can be reflected in the EF developed budget?

David Blevins

On Nov 10, 2021, at 8:09 AM, Sharon Corbett <sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

MicroProfile Steering Committee:

We appreciate the committee’s focus on the program plan finalization and approval.  

A reminder as per my email on October 1, 2021, (timeline copied below) concerning the 2022 Program Plan and Budgeting Process Information, the Eclipse Foundation develops working group budgets based on approved working group program plans not working groups or any committees.  

As a result, please ensure no budget content or budget slide(s) are included in the steering committee’s approved program plan for 2022.

Sharon Corbett
Program Director, Working Group Operations Eclipse Foundation

On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 1:50 AM Edwin Derks <ederks85@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello everybody,

Yesterday in our community hangout session, we made another set of updates to the 2022 program plan. If you want to know the exact details, please watch the recording that will become available on YouTube soon. We finished with consensus on the content from every party involved but unfortunately cannot finalize the program plan yet. We need to wait for a few running ballots (e.g. the budget) to finish in the coming days so that we can finalize these associated points in the program plan.

Next week in the hangout session, we will discuss the budget topic further. If you're interested in the details of this discussion, you can find the resources here:

Anybody that still has questions or remarks regarding the program plan; please let us know. We are looking forward to a nice 2022 year of MicroProfile with the new program plan guiding us through the further evolution of MicroProfile.

Kind regards,


On Fri, 5 Nov 2021 at 18:30, Ed Bratt <edwardbratt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
(For the benefit of the microprofile-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx, comments are due today, not at the end of the month.)

A general comment:
There are several web-site recommendations in our plan. These all look great to me. One of them indicates a conversion to GitHub pages. It's my understanding that some or all of the MicroProfile website is hosted and funded through the generosity of Tomitribe (and please correct me if that's wrong). I totally appreciate their support in this regard and thank them profusely for their generosity and support of this working group.

Should we formally consider including a goal for moving MicroProfile to a cost-neutral hosting location? GitHub pages seem eminently capable to me but I'm not a web-site developer. I'm just wondering if we should try to help distribute this cost more equitably and include a specific goal to move the hosting location -- if we can find a suitable alternative.

On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 2:20 PM John Clingan <jclingan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Egad, I messed that up :-) Friday, November 5th.

On Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 5:31:11 AM UTC-7 Emily Jiang wrote:
Hi John,

I think the deadline November 30th (not Friday either) is way over as I thought we need the 2022 Program Plan finalised on 5th November. Do you mean by this Friday 29th October?


On Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 11:33:15 PM UTC+1 John Clingan wrote:
The 2022 MicroProfile Program Plan draft is available for broader feedback review. Feel free to take a look feel free to recommend updates and additions by Friday, November 30th.

I've also posted this to the microprofile-wg email alias 

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