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Re: [microprofile-wg] I find these multiple shared google drives very confusing

Friday everyone, 

Smiling as I read this thread. Allow me to provide a history on the MP drives:

Main drive created when MP was launched: 
& since then used for all releases, marketing, content creation, ect. 
The first thing you see when you visit the MP Resources Branding page is the Community Drive:
We have chosen 2 add 2 cards on that page about the drive and its importance. 
This is not new, it has been there for years. 💛 and it is even pushed via MP social media!


When MP chose to move to the EF foundation in January 2017, the drive was transferred ownership from Tomitribe to the Eclipse foundation. See below. 


When MP was obligated to become a Working Group to fix its IP gaps, the EMO created a "private drive" for the MPWG. MPWG had no choice but to  accept that it needed to collaborate with the EMO via a hosted drive under the EF infra. That drive is "External" drive  called MicroProfile Working Group as it doesn't welcome collaboration from anyone who is not a member of the steering committee. Further, we voted to make it globally public b/c MP doesn't operate in a vacuum of privacy. The MPWG steering cmtee formally voted to fix that privacy of the external drive. The drive is now visible and linked via a few finalized documents to the website under MPWG page. 
Maybe we need to drop the Community entry on the MPWG drive? 


Both drives are under the Stewardship of the EF. 
The community drive is the one where MicroProfilers heart lives as openness thrives accomplishing & archiving tasks within the drive. The 
The external drive and its limited access serves as MPWG official "finalized" stuff. That comes after our community has been welcomed to shape the future of MP. 

I welcome MPWG drive to be imported into the original Community drive & be keeped under its restrictive editing to only the EF and the Steering Cmtee members. 

However,  I am -1 to moving the original drive to such a restrictive environment. 

I hope this helps the discussion,  

Wishing all a peaceful wknd.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 12:40 PM Emily Jiang via microprofile-wg <microprofile-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am very much struggling with the multiple drives. I saw the shared drive from the External community and found the 2022 program plan was there, so I simply added the community voice for the 2022 program plan there. Later on, Amelia pointed out it was not the drive I should use. However, I cannot see any other drives. I had to recreate the same doc and placed it under the directory Amelia mentioned (the drive was not shared with me). I am very much confused with this. We really need to reach a conclusion on which drive is for which and make all drives accessible or simply stay with a minimal number of drives.


On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 1:46 PM Kevin Sutter <sutter@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Having multiple shared drives for MicroProfile is confusing at best and even error-prone, if we accidentally lose critical comments or data.

I understand the need and desire to include the wider community when collaborating on documents.  But, we don't need separate shared drives to accomplish this.  As part of my efforts to lead the Jakarta EE 9 and 9.1 releases, we had several documents where we shared data and solicited comments and input from the wider community.  These documents were on the official shared drive for either the Jakarta EE Steering or Specification Committee.  But, after the initial creation, I just modified the sharing attributes to open it to the public.  This worked great to get the necessary input from the wider community.  When it was time to finalize the document, then I would turn back the sharing permissions.

This approach served me well during the Jakarta EE efforts.  I know other members of Jakarta EE have used this "permission dialing" in a similar vein.  I don't understand why this approach wouldn't also work for the MicroProfile shared drive.

Kevin Sutter
STSM, Jakarta EE and MicroProfile architect @ IBM
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

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