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[microprofile-wg] [Oct 4th- MPWG Trademark call] Not necessary

To facilitate the choosing of the MPWG Compatible logo 2 tasks are being tackled via 2 git issues:  
  1. The MPWG SurveyMonkey is being set up with the help of the WebMaster Team via git issue: [Infra- SurveyMonkey] Logistics #568 with Edwin and Ryan as the 2 initial Admins. :) 
  2. [Documentation using SurveyMonkey] Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) #581
The MP community cannot proceed with the call to vote on the 5 compatible logo choices until the MP SurveyMonkey account's Admins are set up.   + the DPIA is needed to make sure that all pieces are in place. 

In parallel, the MicroProfile community is prioritizing via written and oral discussions the Compatibility Membership Requirments: 
  1. awaiting Paul's reply (emo) to the question about yearly Enforcement costs asked on the Sept 17th email by me. 
  2. More community feedback before the Steering Cmtee vote is possible is necessary.
Thank you for joining the discussions via the git tickets, calls, &/or emails! 

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