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[microprofile-wg] MicroProfile Working Group Charter Amendments

 Steering Committee Members:

As part of our migration of our governance to be European-based, and to align with the new Bylaws recently approved by the Foundation’s membership and Board of Directors, there is a requirement to amend all working group charters to ensure alignment and compliance with those associated changes in corporate governance.

As a result, we are contacting all Steering Committees at this time to request each Steering Committee review and ratify the necessary updates to their charter.  

To support this process, attached are the following:

- a slide deck which details the required changes

- redlines of the amended charter, and

- a clean version of the updated charter

We would like to have this completed by February 12, 2021, but in all cases no later than February 26, 2021. We ask that each Steering Committee ensure this ratification be included in the agenda for an upcoming meeting, and if one is not already scheduled to please do so.   

We will also ensure that a senior Foundation staff member will join your meeting to answer any questions.  Also, feel free to ask any questions on your Steering Committee mailing list ahead of time. 

Finally, just a reminder and reassurance that the changes proposed deal with the revisions to the governance, and no other changes are contemplated.  For example, no changes to scope, objectives, fees, currency of fees, membership, etc. are proposed.  We recognize some working groups may wish to implement such changes going forward - we would ask that such changes be addressed and ratified separately.  

Please confirm the date and time when this agenda topic is in place and again feel free to reach out should you have any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,


Sharon Corbett
Program Director, Working Group Operations
Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Attachment: MicroProfile Working Group Charter - clean version.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: MicroProfile Working Group Charter - redline annotated.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Eclipse Working Group Charter Amendments.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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