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Re: [microprofile-wg] MicroProfile Steering Committee Election - Committer Member Rep - Announcing the Candidates

Thank you, Bruno and Edwin, for stepping in to help the MPWG start 2021 with its committer representative onboard, so exciting!

To MP committers, 

If you are a committer and have already signed the MPWG agreements, you are set to receive the access to submit your vote. 
If your paperwork is still not completed, you won't be allowed to vote, compliance stuff that we have no control over. 
Thank you, Sharon, for your help on this activity. The bios page rocks! 


Tomorrow, Dec 15th, is the last MP 4.0 release zoom call. We are closing the 2020 community social face-to-face conversations on that call. Everything else moves to email, PRs, issues, asynchronous collaboration during the Holidays.  See if you could join and wish everyone in attendance & globally located a happy holiday as we close 2020 on that recorded call. Remember to wear your MP or other OSS t-shirt! 

See you tomorrow, 

On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 12:10 PM Sharon Corbett <sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


As communicated we will be holding an election for the MicroProfile Steering Committee to fill the Committer Member Representative seat starting tomorrow.

This email communication is to let you know who is standing and the process:

Who are the Candidates?

We are extremely pleased to announce the standing candidates (alphabetical by last name): 

·       Bruno Baptista

·       Edwin Derks


Their position statements/bios are linked.


Who Receives Ballots?


You will receive a ballot if you are a MicroProfile Specification Project Committer.


When is the Election? 


Ballots will be distributed by the end of day tomorrow and the election will close on December 21, 2020, or earlier if all eligible voters vote.  Please note candidates standing are entitled to vote as well.


Where can I find more Information? 


The Working Group Charter defines the various committees and their responsibilities. You may also refer to the Eclipse Foundation Working Group Operations Guide for an overview on the entire election process.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via the mailing list or contact the undersigned.


Best Regards,

Sharon Corbett
Program Director, Working Group Operations
Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
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