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  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: JWT-Auth-maven-snapshots #1732, (continued)
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: FaultTolerance-maven-snapshots #1839, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Fwd: Contributors GitHub “Triage” Access - Active feature for MicroProfile Repositories!, Amelia Eiras
  • Re: [microprofile-dev] [technology-pmc] PMC Approval required for Committer Election for Prashanth G on MicroProfile(R), Emily Jiang
  • [microprofile-dev] Committer Election for Prashanth G on MicroProfile® has started, emo
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: Metrics-maven-snapshots #1359, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Microprofile rest client subresource provider registration, Konzal Milan (PS/EDI1-Bj)
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: JWT-Auth-maven-snapshots #1571, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: JWT-Auth-maven-snapshots #1566, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: CONFIG-maven-snapshots #1480, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: Health-maven-snapshots #1539, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] microprofile-rest-client migration to jakarta API, Rebecca Searls
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: Health-maven-snapshots #1504, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: Health-maven-snapshots #1489, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: reactive-messaging-maven-snapshots #911, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: JWT-Auth-maven-snapshots #1453, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: JWT-Auth-maven-snapshots #1437, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: LRA-maven-snapshots #1083, ci-admin
  • [microprofile-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: LRA-maven-snapshots » MicroProfile Long Running Actions #1083, ci-admin

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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