I can imagine option to not cache auth for connections can be useful and
if allowing it requires having custom authenticator in the jaxws-rt
itself then why not... There already exists one implementation for tools
to support proxies[1]
I know it is a useful feature, and I can revisit creating a PR once I can verify it works locally. I'm under a tight release crunch right now.
source file which uses new API must be in a different source root. Since
what you need is in JDK 9, putting your modified source into
should be the way to go.
basically the build works the way that the default source root
(src/main/java) except for module-info is built by jdk 11 compiler with
'-release 8' option and the rest (module-info and additional source
root) with '-release 9' option
to learn more about multi-release jars, see ie
Fantastic - this is the info that I needed about where to put the changes.
I made a copy of HttpClientTransport.java with my updates and added it under the same path as original, beneath java-mr/9.
So, now I have 2 copies.
I then ran the maven command that you showed me in .travis.yml:
>mvn -B -V -U -C -Pstaging,oss-release clean verify org.glassfish.copyright:glassfish-copyright-maven-plugin:copyright -Dgpg.skip=true -Doss.disallow.snapshots=false
This was successful and it created tons of .jars but the one that I am interested in, rt-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT-sources, under \jaxws-ri\runtime\rt - that one still has the older source file.
Is there additional configuration I need to do to tell maven about the new file? I assumed it would just pick it up as you described.
Thanks for being so helpful, I feel like I'm very close.