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[] Papyrus git/gerrit and bugzilla migration plan

Hello everybody,


(inital post here )

As you maybe know [1], Eclipse is migrating the gits to more modern technologies.

1. Our git are also concerned by these migrations, that's why, we announce you that Papyrus gits will be migrated to the Eclipse Gitlab instance [2] at the beginning of July [3].

As we can't continue to support all developped Papyrus components, the current migration plan is this one :

1.1 The main git org.eclipse.papyrus will be migrated on gitlab as org.eclipse.papyrus-classic.
1.2 A new git called org.eclipse.papyrus-desktop will be created and initialized with the contents of the current git org.eclipse.papyrus and
org.eclipse.papyrus-sirius to ensure the development of Papyrus 7.0 (announced here [4])

1.3 These gits will be migrated on gitlab:
- org.eclipse.papyrus-cdo (initialized with the cdo contents of the previous git org.eclipse.papyrus-collaborativemodeling)
- org.eclipse.papyrus-marte.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-model2doc.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-moka.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-sirius.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-sysml16.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-designer.git (already done)
- org.eclipse.papyrus-manufacturing.git (already done)
- org.eclipse.papyrus-robotics.git (already done)

1.4 These git won't be migrated and will be set as read-only (no new devs on them since several months or years)
- org.eclipse.papyrus-cdo.git (empty, the CDO code was located in org.eclipse.papyrus-collaborativemodeling.git )
- org.eclipse.papyrus-collaborativemodeling.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-designer-extra.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-informationmodeling.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-interoperability.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-privacydesigner.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-requirements.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-sysml.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus-sysml11.git
- org.eclipse.papyrus.incubation.git

These git changes will also impact our Jenkins jobs. We will strive to update them after these changes. Maybe we also migrate some of them onto Gitlab runners.

2. The Papyrus bugzillas will be set as read-only and the users will be welcome to create issues in the gitlabs when required.
3. The Papyrus wiki pages are already read-only and the team will migrate them to the gitlab wiki.


Best regards,
Vincent LORENZO, Papyrus Project Lead

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