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[] [aeri] Weekly Problem Digest for Papyrus

New problems reported last week

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. Exception below AdditionalResourcesModel.saveModel (thrown in ResourceException.provideStackTrace) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
2. NoSuchMethodError in IntegerEditor$1.convert 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -
3. NullPointerException below IPageImageUtils.getPageImage (thrown in Control.menuShell) 1 UNCONFIRMED normal -

Active problems last month

  Summary Reporters Status Severity Bug
1. RuntimeException in PrepareInstallProfileJob.resolve 302 UNCONFIRMED normal -
2. IllegalArgumentException below FigureUtilities.setFont (thrown in GC.setFont) 217 UNCONFIRMED normal 473157
3. NoSuchMethodError in InternalModelIndex.afterIndex 186 UNCONFIRMED normal -
4. NullPointerException below DelegatingObservable.fireEvent (thrown in DecoratingObservableValue.setValue) 181 NEW major 506413: NullPointerException below DelegatingObservable.fireEvent (thrown in DecoratingObservableValue.setValue)
5. SWTException below StringCombo$CComboObservableValue.doSetValue (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 164 UNCONFIRMED normal -
6. NullPointerException in AbstractEMFOperation.rollback 120 UNCONFIRMED normal 473648
7. SWTException below SemanticUMLContentProvider$RootsAdapter.triggerRefresh (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 118 UNCONFIRMED normal -
8. NullPointerException in PropertiesCatalog.createResource 82 UNCONFIRMED normal -
9. SWTException below ReferenceDialog.update (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 81 UNCONFIRMED normal -
10. NullPointerException in ShardResourceHelper.findAnnotation 74 UNCONFIRMED normal -
11. ClassCastException in AbstractExecuteInJobHandler.getSelectedProjectName 65 UNCONFIRMED normal -
12. ClassCastException in ToggleSubmodelHandler.getSelection 61 UNCONFIRMED normal -
13. ClassNotFoundException below CellAxisConfigurationRegistry.<init> (thrown in BundleLoader.findClassInternal) 58 UNCONFIRMED normal -
14. NullPointerException in ComputeOwnerHelper.updateOwnedByInteractionOperand 57 UNCONFIRMED normal -
15. NullPointerException in UMLLabelObservableValue.dispose 57 UNCONFIRMED normal -
16. NullPointerException in MemberEndModelElement.isEditable 56 UNCONFIRMED normal -
17. SWTException below EditorParentComposite.setFocus (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 56 UNCONFIRMED normal -
18. PartInitException below OpenDiagramEditPolicy$OpenDiagramCommand.doExecuteWithResult (thrown in WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditor) 55 UNCONFIRMED normal -
19. ClassNotFoundException below AxisManagerFactory.<init> (thrown in BundleLoader.findClassInternal) 53 UNCONFIRMED normal -
20. SAXParseException below CrossReferenceIndex.runIndexHandler (thrown in ErrorHandlerWrapper.createSAXParseException) 51 UNCONFIRMED normal -
21. SWTException below StringCombo$CComboObservableValue.<init> (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 51 UNCONFIRMED normal -
22. SWTException below StringEditor$2$ (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 50 UNCONFIRMED normal 506409
23. ServiceNotFoundException in ServiceUtilsForResource.getServiceRegistry 47 UNCONFIRMED normal -
24. AssertionFailedException below ReferenceDialog.getValue (thrown in ObservableTracker.getterCalled) 44 UNCONFIRMED normal -
25. NoStackTrace in AbstractMaskManagedEditPolicy.activate 44 UNCONFIRMED normal -
26. NullPointerException in AppliedStereotypeCompositeOnModel.dispose 40 UNCONFIRMED normal -
27. RuntimeException in JavaProjectSupport.createProject 39 UNCONFIRMED normal -
28. SWTException below ModelExplorerView$3.commandStackChanged (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 38 UNCONFIRMED normal -
29. ClassNotFoundException below CellManagerFactory.<init> (thrown in BundleLoader.findClassInternal) 37 UNCONFIRMED normal -
30. SWTException below AppliedStereotypeCompositeOnModel$LocalCommandStackListener.commandStackChanged (thrown in Widget.checkWidget) 37 UNCONFIRMED normal -

Problem Resolution Statistics

Problem ResolutionsCount
FIXED: 212

To remove a problem from this report, visit its web page and set its resolution to something else than 'unresolved'.

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