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Re: [] [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: Nested combined fragment : resize problem

Hi Patrick,


Maurice mentioned that his tests were with the Oxygen build.

I think he is “playing” with the new version of Sequence diagram and kindly report us some issues.


I don’t think that we need to open a new bug for that since there is already a list of bugs related to combined fragments [1]








De : [] De la part de TESSIER Patrick
Envoyé : vendredi 12 mai 2017 10:16
À : Papyrus Project list <>
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] Nested combined fragment : resize problem


Hello Maurice,

Which version of papyrus ? Oxygen Neon.


Could you sent me directly an email to fix it.



De : [] De la part de THEOBALD Maurice (SAFRAN)
Envoyé : vendredi 12 mai 2017 08:12
À : Papyrus Project list <>
Objet : [] Nested combined fragment : resize problem




In the current Oxygen build, I notice that the combined fragment is still broken.

The problem is the following :

-        Create a “Sequence diagram”

-        Add a “Combined Fragment” in the diagram

-        Add a second “Combined Fragment” inside the first one

-        Resize the second “Combined Fragment”

-        /\ The resized Combined Fragment get out of the frame of the first Combined Fragment


Best regards,



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