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[] Performance issues during element selection

Dear all,

the element selection in the property view (e.g. choosing a type for an attribute or assigning a value to a stereotype attribute) has severe performance issues: the UI can be blocked for several minutes even for mid-sized models. See Bug 435352 - [Property view] Attribute selection takes way too long.

The main reason is that the element selection is based on EMF Facet and each registered facet slows down the process.
One problem is that each facet implements a getChildren/hasChildren operation that links model elements with notation elements. The implementation of these operations is iterating over all notation elements and thus quite inefficient, since notation elements reference model elements but not vice versa.
Thus, the element search that loops over all model elements, implies several inner loops over all notation elements thus implying a quadratic effort.
It gets worse, since elements can be found via different paths, e.g. directly via the working set or via (nested) package imports. Thus, elements in imported models are queried several times.

One option is the caching of references from model to notation elements, as proposed in the gerrit attached to the bug (a long time ago) . Eventually, we can also use the EMF inverse-referencing mechanism for the navigation.

Another option is to disable the lookup of notation elements temporary during an element lookup - since notation elements are never selectable during an element assignment.

Other ideas?

Best regards


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