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Re: [] Gerrit build triggers

Same here (checked after Francois told me about it).

Might be an issue with the new merge option but will have to see with our git guru ;p



De : [] De la part de LE FEVRE FRANCOIS
Envoyé : jeudi 9 juillet 2015 09:13
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] Gerrit build triggers



I confirm your analysis.

After the strategy change, I have made a rebase yesterday for instance of:

I had expected to trigger a Hudson job but nothing appeared in the gerrit web interface to tell me the job has been triggered.


However this morning, I had noticed a huson build

Linked to my gerrit rebase.


But I have no link back from Hudson to gerrit telling:

·        A job has been trigerred

o   Patch Set 5:

o   Build Started

·        A +1 -1 has been added

o   Such as

o   Patch Set X: Verified+1

o   Build Successful



Any help will be appreciate because I have a lot of conflicts…




De : [] De la part de Christian W. Damus
Envoyé : mercredi 8 juillet 2015 18:45
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [] Gerrit build triggers


Hi, team,


It would seem that our Gerrit woes continue.


I see that Gerrit is triggering builds, for example



for patch set 11 of



However, the Gerrit review did not get a comment indicating the start of this build.  So, I wonder whether a +1 or -1 will be supplied by the build when it finishes.


Am I recalling correctly that we’ve seen this before?  Any ideas what the problem is or how we might fix it?







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