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Re: [] Gerrit Submitted, Merge Pending

Hi Team,


The strategy has been changed to Fast forward and the merge pending contribution are been merged right now


If possible refrain any commit for the next hour.





De : [] De la part de LE MENEZ Quentin
Envoyé : mercredi 8 juillet 2015 10:30
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] Gerrit Submitted, Merge Pending


Neither am I it seem, i does seem like a good thing to me J




De : [] De la part de TESSIER Patrick 202707
Envoyé : mercredi 8 juillet 2015 10:28
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] Gerrit Submitted, Merge Pending


No I’m not again.


De : [] De la part de MAGGI Benoit
Envoyé : mercredi 8 juillet 2015 08:37
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] Gerrit Submitted, Merge Pending


Hi everyone,


Denis Roy (Eclipse Webmaster) suggest that our Gerrit problems are coming from the cherry-pick strategy.

If it is the case, is there anyone against the migration to a “Fast-Forward” strategy [1]?


  • Fast Forward Only

This method produces a strictly linear history. All merges must be handled on the client, prior to uploading to Gerrit for review.

To submit a change, the change must be a strict superset of the destination branch. That is, the change must already contain the tip of the destination branch at submit time.




1 :




De : [] De la part de MAGGI Benoit
Envoyé : mardi 7 juillet 2015 16:11
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] Gerrit Submitted, Merge Pending




Since no one seems to have a solution, I raised a community bug [1].





1 :


De : [] De la part de MAGGI Benoit
Envoyé : mardi 7 juillet 2015 08:36
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] Gerrit Submitted, Merge Pending


Hi Christian,


Indeed I think something fishy is going on, that’s why I sent this email.


To know what is happening we need the logs on the server side.

I have no idea how is setup the infrastructure for the Gerrit part.


Do we have access to the logs ?  Can anyone answer this question ?

If not we should create a community bug.





Ps : Indeed most of the pending patches are on master but I had one on streams/1.1 that also stay blocked for one day

Ps2 : I know that we don’t enforce any process on but I would recommend to avoid any cherry-pick from streams to master

I prefer that we commit something on master then report on streams.

For example :

If someone forgot to report the patch then we got a “regression” (something working on streams and not in master)

If we only have the patch in master then we got more a “feature” like patch




De : [] De la part de Christian W. Damus
Envoyé : lundi 6 juillet 2015 19:39
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Gerrit Submitted, Merge Pending


Hi, Benoit, all,


So, I just had this happen to me with a review that I cherry-picked from the Mars maintenance branch:


The original change on the Mars maintenance branch (51276) was merged immediately when I submitted it.  That was on the Mars branch, of course.  The cherry-pick as 51408, however, got stuck in the “merge pending” state when I submitted it.


So, I pulled down the change, cherry-picked it onto master locally, and pushed that to effect the merge myself.  The result was that, yes, the 51408 review is now closed as merged *but* this also resulted in a second patch set being created and a Gerrit build triggered on that new patch set.  I *did not* push anything to refs/for/master; AFAIK, no new patch set should have been created.  All I did was push my local master to the remote master (albeit through Gerrit).


Something fishy is going on.  Perhaps the master branch in Gerrit is stuck with a queue of pending merges behind one that, if it were unblocked, would just let everything else go through so we could return to normal?  I have no idea.  In any case, have we called in the Webmaster yet to help us get unstuck?  I suspect that every new Gerrit contribution to master is going to get stuck …







On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 8:23 AM, MAGGI Benoit <Benoit.MAGGI@xxxxxx> wrote:



So what contribution is required for 1 ?




1 :


De : [] De la part de LETAVERNIER Camille
Envoyé : vendredi 3 juillet 2015 10:36
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] Gerrit Submitted, Merge Pending




The “submitted” status means that contribution B has been accepted, but it depends on a contribution A that has not yet been accepted.

Dependencies need to be reviewed and submitted, then Gerrit will automatically merge the dependents (Or “cherry pick” them)




De : [] De la part de MAGGI Benoit
Envoyé : vendredi 3 juillet 2015 09:31
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] [] Gerrit Submitted, Merge Pending


Hi Team,


There are some contribution stuck in merging (see 1)

The oldest was merged 23 hours ago (see 2).


Has anyone an idea of what is going on ?

All referenced bug I found on Gerrit with this kind of comportment are on older version.

It suppose that something went wrong on the server side. Can we acces the logs ?

Or do we need to open a community bug ?





1 :

2 :


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