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Re: [] Palette Drag-and-Drop Problem

Hi, Benoit,

This sounds like something I should fix/improve in the generation of element types for profiles.

If I understand correctly, what is generated now is something like:

  Visual Stereotype element type (e.g., Block_2008) specializes
     Visual UML element type (e.g., Class_2008) specializes
         UML element type  (e.g., Class) *

whereas what you need is

  Visual stereotype element type (e.g., Block_2008) specializes
     Stereotype element type (e.g., Block) specializes
         UML element type (e.g., Class) *
     Visual UML element type (e.g., Class_2008) specializes *
         UML element type (e.g., Class) *

(where the asterisked items are not generated but existing models that referenced are referenced by the generation process)

So that, in fact, the generation of element types is in two parts:  generating a semantic element types model for the profile and then, on a per-diagram-basis, generating the visual element types.  This would imply a change in the wizard to ask the user to reference two element types models, not just one:

  Generate a profile semantic element types model (or reference an existing one)
  Reference a diagram’s visual element types model




On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 3:48 AM, MAGGI Benoit <Benoit.MAGGI@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Önder,


I managed to make something works for Sysml 1.4. I followed these steps :

-        Generate the “semantic” element type

-        Generate the “graphical” element type (with hint and visual id at the end of the id)

-        Generate the palette using “graphical” element type (I had to make some change in the generator to group the graphical element by semantic)


ð  I can create the elements with the palette (not sure if everything is working fine)


It is obviously not the best solution : The “graphical” elements are using the uml “graphical” elements as specialized Types ID (and not the semantic element type created from the profile)


However I will stick to this solution to make a first implementation.

Then I will replace the specialized type of “graphical” element type to use the “semantic” one and make some change in the code to keep everything working.  





De : [] De la part de GÜRCAN Onder
Envoyé : mercre
di 25 février 2015 16:08
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] [] Palette Drag-and-Drop Problem




Has anybody have any idea what can be the reason not being able to drag-and-drop an item from a palette to a diagram? I generated a palette for UML-RT (attached), it is loaded well, but I cannot drag-and-drop and there is no exception. Any ideas?


Thanks in advance,





Research Engineer

Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies (CEA)

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