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Re: [] Elementtypesconfiguration framework

Hi Florian,

Thanks for this explanation, however I have some questions (see below). I'm trying to get into the GMF Runtime in general and the element types in particular so if I ask stupid questions please bare with me.

I alos have some more specific questions of the code you've committed, e.g .the NamespaceOwnedMemberEditHelperAdvice and the DirectedRelationshipEditHelper since it 'interfere' with some tests I'm writing, but lets start with the questions below.


On 02/09/2015 09:12 AM, NOYRIT Florian wrote:

Dear Papyrus developers,


I merged the elementtypesconfiguration framework in master this weekend. It relies on the GMF Elementtypes registry (you can look at “Developer's Guide to the Extensible Type Registry” in Eclipse Help for a short introduction).


This new framework is used to refactor the semantic handling of model element in diagram editors. Before, each diagram handled the semantic edition of the model through its own editpolicies, edithelper and edit commands.

Now those are merged and centralized in org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.types or org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml.service.types. The Papyrus’s gmfgen code generator doesn’t generate the editpolicies, edithelpers and editcomamnds anymore.

Here I'm a bit confused. E.g. the EditHelpers are (still) there in org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.types. Or maybe the thing is that they are not generated anymore?

So far, only the class diagram and usecase diagrams have been fully migrated to the elementtypesconfiguration framework. The activity diagram has been partially migrated.


All the UML elementypes are defined in org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.types/model/uml.elementtypesconfigurations. Then every diagram specializes those elementypes (e.g. org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.clazz/model/classdiagram.elementtypesconfigurations)

In the gmfgen, the MetamodelTypes or SpecializationTypes are set to be “defined externally”.


Next question, how are the elementtypesconfigurations models used? Are they just describing the elementTypes and how they relate or are they are used for other things? Also, I miss how they are registered in the ElementType Registry.

The elementtypesconfiguration mainly consists of:

- org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations

The core of the framework. In this plugins generated code is clearly separated from manually coded sources.

- org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.edit


- org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.editor

                Obvious (note that extensions use the childcreationextender feature of MF so this editor can be used for extension of the elementtypesconfigurations framework too)

Yet another newbie question, what is MF?

- org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.emf

                Provides an extension of the generic framework for EMF model edition operations (not much tested)

- org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.elementtypesconfigurations.invarianttypes

Provides a generic extension of the elementtypesconfigurations framework to define invariants (e.g. an abstract class that must  always be an abstract class) (not much tested)


                Provides an extension of the generic framework for UML model edition operations (not much tested)

- org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.service.types & org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml.service.types

                The elementtypes defintions together with appropriate commands, edithelpers, …

- org.eclipse.papyrus.elementtypesconfigurations.developer

                Some developer utils. Especially a view to list registered elementtypes.


This framework aims to replace the extendedtypes framework. Should you rely on the extendedtypes framework, you should switch to the elementtypesconfiguration framework. The migration should be rather straight forward.


This contribution most probably added regressions. Some are already identified and some should appear soon. Despite this regressions, we decided to push this framework because many ongoing tasks depend on it to go further and because it is more than time to get feedback.


So far, I was (almost, thanks Christian) the only one working on this framework and migration. Even though some other contributors and committers have formally been asked to join me in this effort, you are all welcome to contribute to it.


Yours faithfully.



Florian NOYRIT

+33 (0)1 69 08 01 01 - florian.noyrit@xxxxxx

CEA Saclay Nano-INNOV


DILS/Laboratory of model driven engineering for embedded systems (LISE),

Point Courrier 174, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France


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