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Re: [] About tests

Hi all,

Quick update, since things have changed quite a bit just after I posted the initial report:

-          311 new failures in the test results:

o   The issue is known and being worked on (The SysML BDD Package is broken, causing all the failures)

-          Test build don’t compile anymore

o   Is anyone working on that?

-          Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-plugin:0.22.0:compile (default-compile) on project org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core.sasheditor.tests: Compilation failure: Compilation failure:

-          [ERROR] /jobs/genie.modeling.mdt.papyrus/Papyrus-Master-Tests/workspace/tests/junit/plugins/core/org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core.sasheditor.tests/test/org/eclipse/papyrus/infra/core/sasheditor/pagesmodel/[48]

-          [ERROR] * @see org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core.sasheditor.IModelObject.sashmodel.query.IQueryTerm#accept(org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.core.sasheditor.IPagesModelVisitor.sashmodel.query.IQueryVisitor, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)

There’s a lot of activity on the build server right now, so it may take time for any fix/commit to be taken into account




De : [] De la part de LETAVERNIER Camille
Envoyé : jeudi 12 février 2015 14:50
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: [] About tests


... and of course there is the Gerrit process, with a lot of contributions being delayed for several weeks.


And one of the main issues in the diagrams is merging the GMFGen/Generated code: we’ve had a lot of regression due to incorrect merge commits (We don’t have any tool to merge the GMFGen model).


Diagrams are really sensitive, thus the M4/M5 refactorings, which will hopefully help a lot in the future. But for now... it’s mostly regressions :) (If these modifications hadn’t been pushed, we wouldn’t even be able to work on some diagrams, and especially not in parallel)


BTW, if anyone can figure out what’s wrong with the Master-Tests-Failures job... it seems the Junit XML file is corrupt, which breaks the “Publish Junit results” and breaks the build. I “suppose” an invalid character appears in one of the 10 000 tests of Papyrus, but couldn’t find which one. So the job is now suspended, and we can’t really use the test-annotations framework on Master...

Ø  Interesting.  Does SVG require a native library that isn’t installed on the build server?  We really need to get the tests green (IMHO before M6).  Is there something I can do to help? (being quite inexperienced with SVG and the diagrams generally)

Batik/SVG + Apache Xerces. It looks like the “SaxParser Driver” can’t be found. At least that’s what the Error log says. I suppose it’s a plug-in dependency issue (I remember we had trouble with inconsistent versions of Batik, because they moved a class from one plug-in to another, and in some configurations, this resulted in NoClassDefFound errors). It may be another occurrence of this issue, but I haven’t really had the opportunity to look into this so far. I’ve added an explicit dependency to Xerces but this didn’t help; I didn’t go much further.


It may also be a bug in Papyrus (We had some case-sensitivity errors in the images, which worked fine in Windows/PDE environment, but not in a Linux/Installed eclipse instance), but these errors should be fixed now.





De : [] De la part de Christian W. Damus
Envoyé : jeudi 12 février 2015 14:41
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] About tests


Ø  (everybody does run the tests locally before they push changes, right?  ;-)

Sure :) Remember this issue about results being different on Tycho and JDT ? :)


That’s good.  It’s just that sometimes it doesn’t seem like it.  I’ve been guilty, myself, through overconfidence, so I make liberal use of smilies.  :-) 


A lot of the test failures that crop up from time to time are reproducible locally, so they mostly aren’t down to differences in the build environments.  But hopefully we are now a step closer to improving that situation, too.



SVG images seem to be failing on the Hudson/Tycho build for some reason. They caused a lot of indirect test failures (Took me 6 weeks to figure it out... I guess the over-spammed error log in the test build didn’t help). But these tests were mostly fine, when executed locally.


Interesting.  Does SVG require a native library that isn’t installed on the build server?  We really need to get the tests green (IMHO before M6).  Is there something I can do to help? (being quite inexperienced with SVG and the diagrams generally)



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