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Re: [] clean of the sandbox folder on branch master

Hi Christian,

  -  oep.infra.emf.commandstack : I renamed it into oep.infra.emf.commandstack. I developed it to have a view showing the command in the stack.

I used it several years ago to understand undo/redo bugs.

- : this project provides facilities update easily all plugins/features in the workspace :

         - change version number

         - add file about.html into several plugin

         - set copyright

         - change dependencies version numbers

         - …




Vincent Lorenzo





De : [] De la part de Christian W. Damus
Envoyé : lundi 26 janvier 2015 15:19
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] clean of the sandbox folder on branch master


Hi, Vincent,


Thanks for the notice.  This kind of clean-up activity is very welcome!


I have a couple of questions about specific plug-ins that I hadn’t heard of before this:

  • oep.infra.emf.commandstack:  what does this plug-in offer to developers?  And with this name, I would have expected it to be part of the “infra” feature of the main Papyrus production plug-ins.  Should it have a name that more clearly indicates its purpose as a developer tool?
  •  what does this plug-in offer to developers?  On the face of it, it sounds like it might provide some source-project wrangling tools that would perhaps be useful contributions to Oomph (to complement its facilities for copying projects, automatic managemenet of project settings, etc.)







On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 9:12 AM, LORENZO Vincent <vincent.lorenzo@xxxxxx> wrote:

Hello everybody,

  FYI, I cleaned the sandbox folder on branch master removing or moving old plugins than I created several months/years ago.


- commit 6893a76ad3a996a7a00eb83663ab37e414c9c6fe, tag last/org.eclipse.papyrus.infra.efacet

                I removed all old plugins concerning previous version of the table, integration of EMF-Facet 0.2.0


- commit 90c57a08467186b757ba11161c33b5fac7d516ab

               I moved the plugin from sandbox folder to doc folder


- commit 90c57a08467186b757ba11161c33b5fac7d516ab

                I Move documentation from sandbox folder to doc folder


- commit 5f6348c54e34c37c1a0c4cca5f6512ed1ca6f003

                I moved oep.emf.commandstack from sandbox to plugins/developer  and renamed it into oep.infra.emf.commandstack

I moved from sandbox to plugins/developer

I removed old plugin from sandbox


- commit 6ea239d144a3b745cabcc4c4ccdce0f7252374c9, tag last/

                I removed the plugin from sanbox


- commit eacb549b6a001a645c2d8f9d01350f9ff885c1ea, tag last/

                I removed from sandbox all plugins about an old integration of EMF-Compare




Vincent Lorenzo


CEA Saclay Nano-INNOV



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