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Re: [] [PROVENANCE INTERNET] Re: Fwd: Using Papyrus' model data structureinanother eclipse plugin

Hi Rapael,

there is already a link between TMF and Papyrus. The trace format (CTF) has optional attributes that are used for the URI in the model and TMF navigates from the URI to the element within the model. The tracepoint definition including the model URI is generated by Qompass designer with tracing support. Look for Qompass and tracing model library in the Papyrus extras.
Contact me, if you need further information.

Best regards


On 03/29/2014 06:41 PM, CADAVID Juan wrote:
Hi Raphaël,

Indeed, Papyrus relies on other Eclipse Modeling technologies to store models:
-Eclipse UML2 for semantic models (*.uml)
-GMF for concrete syntax representations (tables and diagrams) (*.notation)

These in turn rely on EMF and its XMI persistence mechanism, which results in the XML-based files you were looking at (though Papyrus also supports other storage technologies such as CDO).

Hope that answers your questions,


Von: []" im Auftrag von "Raphaël Beamonte [raphael.beamonte@xxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Samstag, 29. März 2014 15:12
An: Papyrus Project list
Cc: Gen Bastien
Betreff: [] Fwd: Using Papyrus' model data structure in  another eclipse plugin

Hello Papyrus folks,

I'm trying to use Papyrus' model data structure in another eclipse
plugin (linuxtools TMF) to be able to correlate modeling and tracing.
To do so, I'd need to know what is exactly the data structure used to
store models in Papyrus, and how it is possible to load and read a
model ?
By reading Papyrus' code accessible via git, we didn't find this
structure and had the impression it was using some other resource from
eclipse modeling, as the model is stored using xml format.

Thank you,
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Ansgar Radermacher                CEA/DRT/DILS/LISE
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