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Re: [] [sandbox] Papyrus shall provide a sandbox to develop new Papyrus plugins

Sounds good idea. This looks like the concept of "experimental" versus "stable". Will be appreciated by end users and developers.
One consequence I see concerns the packaging : it would be nice to be able to separate "experimental" features from "stable" ones during installation (option to select only stable when the users intends to work on production).

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de Cedric Dumoulin
Envoyé : mercredi 19 janvier 2011 16:40
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [] [sandbox] Papyrus shall provide a sandbox to develop new Papyrus plugins


I propose to provide a sandbox repository that shall be used to create
every new plugins for Papyrus.
A bugzilla is open

The idea is that a new plugin is developped in the sandbox, and once
ready, it is proposed to other commiters. This laters then check the
plugin, and after a short delay say go/nogo to move the plugin in the head.

This process have severals advantages:
- clearly separate 'stable' plugins from the one that are in developements
- give other commiters a chance to test, check and comment new plugin
before it is fully part of Papyrus. This will
allow to choose altogether the definitive plugin name, its target
repository (core, uml, ...) and to check that coding rules are respected.
- this should lead to more robust and well written plugins
- maybe simplify the nightly build process
- ...

Please comment the idea ...


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