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Re: [] [Commiters] New plugins in Papyrus



for the jdt library: I had some mistakes when importing the projects documentation.

My eclipse was not able to find the JRE library, as I have no correspondence for a J2SE-1.6 library. It would be the same on the Hudson server, as we use a 1.5 VM to compile the plugins.


Thanks in advance for your audit J




De : [] De la part de VELTEN Mathieu
Envoyé : jeudi 13 janvier 2011 11:34
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] [Commiters] New plugins in Papyrus


I will be more careful about that, I was not aware of most of the first points.

I will do an audit of my recent commits to fix that this afternoon.

Just a remark regarding the specifiying of J2SE-1.5 as Java Build Path :
I think that is mostly useless since it only tell to use a Java5 compatible JVM when building, not to compile into Java5-compatible bytecode.
The important parameter is in : properties of the project => Java Compiler => JDK Compliance at 1.5
But it can be done easily at the workspace level instead of on each plugin.



Le 11/01/2011 18:39, SCHNEKENBURGER Remi 211865 a écrit :

Hi all,


I had today to make some minor modifications to recently added plugins. Please be careful to the following rules.


Commiters should be sure when they first commit their plugins:

-          The mandatory file about.html is present at the root of their plugins

-          the Manifest.MF file is internationalized, with the name and provider given in an external file. The plugin name in the properties.file should be followed by (Incubation), the same for features’ name. The Manifest.MF file should contain the instruction ‘Bundle-Localization: plugin’

-          The current version number in the branch 0.7.X for plugins is 0.7.2.qualifier, NO plugins should have version number greater or equal to 1.0.0. We are not allowed to have such version numbers, as we are still under incubation.

-          the file should be correctly filled in: In the binary build, you should select the resources folder (icons, extension point schemas, etc.), the about.html and files. In the source build, add at least the about.html file. The PDE compiler shows warning when there is an incorrect entry: please follow its instruction. If the file should not be added, please remove it ;)

-          Bugzilla entry: When you commit a new plugin, please enter a sub-task to the releng bug: 263430: [General] Add releng ( This let me know when I have to watch for the build server and check if everything is fine ;)

-          JRE Version: The JRE library added to the java build path depends on the current java VM you use. Check the properties of your project => Java Build Path => Libraries => JRE System Library = J2SE-1.5

-          Headers and comments: The header in the files are checked by an automatic tool before each Eclipse review (once a year). A missing header file or incorrect one can led to annoying delays. It is very hard to remember 6 months later who has work on which file, even if SVN can help us. The comments in the file are welcome also ;) We had some discussion a few months ago, to force the comments to be added at least in the public members, if I am correct.

-          Java formatter and templates are shared on the SVN, do not forget to apply them when you change your Eclipse installation or workspace.


These few tasks should not take you a long time each time you commit a new plugin. There are 100+ plugins in Papyrus distribution, I cannot check everything every day… These few tasks ensure that Papyrus project is consistent: for example, no icons are missing at runtime. To be seen as a serious project, we must be careful on these points!


Many of these steps are already described in Papyrus wiki (Developer part) or Eclipse commiter area. We have signed an agreement with the foundation, we have to respect it!  If information are missing in Papyrus wiki, do not hesitate to fill in the wiki with new instructions. Perhaps I should maintain a table on the wiki that would trace these requirements, and that should be checked before a commiter adds a plugin in the build.


Sorry for this long mail, this is always good to have a reminder from time to time, as requirements evolve ;)





Remi Schnekenburger

+33 (0)1 69 08 48 48 - remi.schnekenburger@xxxxxx

CEA LIST, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués (LISE), Point Courrier 94, Gif-sur-Yvette, F-91191 France


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