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[] Support for validation decorators in diagrams

Dear all,

I added the following properties to all diagrams:
 - validationEnabled="true"
 - liveValidationUIFeedback="true"
 - validationDecorators="true"
In addition I added the ValidateDecorationProvider.xpt to org.eclipse.papyrus.def: the original template only checked for GMF markers. Now EMF+GMF markers are verified (the former on the .uml resource, the latter on the .notation resource).

Can each person responsible for a certain diagram please regenerate and check if everything is ok? (I tested class and composite). I prefer not to regenerate and check-in the generated files myself to avoid check-in conflicts ( and plugins.xml are modified by the diagram generation).

You also need to update the model explorer, since I no longer add markers to the .di file, they are now added to the .uml file. This implies that a double-click on a marker will currently open the UML tree editor, but this problem will vanish, once we register Papyrus as a .uml editor as well.

Best regards


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